Scruffy the Janitor

"And as for you, I don't know you but I'm sure you're a jerk!"

I don't know who you are but I'm sure you're a jerk!

Does anyone know if/when this is going to be broadcast in the UK? As one of the only people who's heard of the show across the pond, I really really need to see it.

I still maintain that Hello Ladies should have been more successful than it ultimately was. Sure, it was kind of stupid and could get annoying when Stuart constantly shot himself in the foot, but the cringe humour involved was as ridiculously funny as it was horrifically painful.

That's my problem with this series. With Coven, it was a load of bollocks but at least I felt something about it (mostly anger, frustration, confusion etc.).

This was Scruffy's first appearance. Yep.

Part of me wishes I'd saved Six Feet Under so I could watch along with these (perfectly written) reviews, but once you get this far in you just have to watch through to the finale (and then cry for days because of how perfect the ending is).

The cut from Milhouse waving at Nelson to him being rushed out of the school on a gurney is up there with the best of them for comedic timing.

Weren't the Farrelly Brothers involved in Movie 43?

After AHS last week and now this interview, I'm convinced that Mat Fraser is an absolutely awesome person.

I'll go out on a limb and say Team America is one of the top 5 funniest films ever made.

Jesus, this film. It's wrong on so many levels and so utterly demented and unpleasant, I'm still not entirely convinced it wasn't just a surreal nightmare I had once.

"I love Woody Allen movies, I just can't stand that nervous guy who's always in them."

John Mayer just looks like a sex offender in the music video. His cold, dead eyes as he awkwardly sings to that woman…creepy as hell.

That's fair enough, although now I'm wondering why the police didn't find any video footage from the outside that proved her story was false…

Surely if you were recording a criminal breaking into the house, you'd also want to record what it is they did inside the house?

One of my problems with the film:

I'm just happy to see Elliott Smith on the AV Club. The more people are exposed to his music, the better.

The more I see it and the more I think about it, the more I think the very final scene of Blackadder Goes Forth is one of the all time great television scenes, of any genre. It's so sad and haunting and memorable and beautiful. Once you've seen it, it'll stay with you for a long time.

Me and my parents watched The Wolf of Wall Street together. I'd heard bits about language, sex and drugs but I thought "We're not prudes, we're all adults here".