Scruffy the Janitor

Eric Bana is terrifying in this film. At first it seems like he's just Eric Bana with a slight edge, but once he saws parts of his ears off and violently kills people, he is Chopper Read, and it is genuinely scary. One of the best acting performances I've ever seen.

I can't recommend this film enough! Michael Fassbender is utterly fantastic, one of the most 'out there', physical comedy roles in years. The rest of the cast are good but they are definitely overshadowed by how good he is.

Watched this again recently and it is a great film. Carrey is fantastic and manages to just about refrain from any of his usual shtick, but McGregor is absolutely amazing. There's a really sad scene towards the end where he's crying in his cell (I won't spoil anything else about it), and even though it's a pretty