
SO this is what happened to Van Der Beek after Biggs left for Orange is the New Black. Hmm. The editing was weird during certain scenes and the Batmanesque "Who are you" killed it for me.

Is it really? Where do I join the alpha?

That looks awesome. Going to have to check it out.

Halo is still too slow to feel like Unreal. Also, I don't have any of the new consoles.

Called it! I'm pretty sure they started doing the final optimizations and such too late. Something tells me this game is going to be worse than GTAIV was at launch

I wish there were more fast paced FPS' like this. Makes me miss unreal tournament.:(

Yeah . . .

Sounds like a mode hardcore version of the original song.

I think the issue has become short games that have been hyped up, but lack the quality and "replayability" that gamers are used to.

Of course. Analyst dont take into account the massive amount of money they're sitting on from the Wii sales.

Sonic was like "Yeah, I let you win . . ."

. . . and for two these mods were apparently made using the game's Xbox 360 version . . .

Isnt that was the zeus dlc was. Sort of abusing the editor to play god during a match?

They really need to rename this movie the justice league or something along those lines

This game and Little Big Planets level creators have always amazed me. There are some patient and talented folks making a lot of good stuff on these two games.

Wasn't the entire point of Destiny to be a social heavy game? Where you were supposed to be connected to other people as you traverse through the world, like a pseudo MMO?

It isn't fun for me anymore lol. I have 3 very close friends who are extreme fan boys and it becomes deafening. They swear i'm out to get Sony, when Sony does it to themselves.

So they're crytek? lol