
I hate the voting process and the awards in general (this includes the oscars). There is yet a Sci-fi film to win best picture at either of them, and there have been some amazing sci-fi films made over the past half century.

I originally found it on a forum that I frequent. I thought it was appropriate for this incident. I wonder what video/movie its from though . . .

I have 2 friends who will hype up everything (at least with Playstation branding, cause god knows they've never owned other Sony products despite claiming they're the shit) and will never talk bad about any game they make. Will defend their gaming hiccups like with Drive Club and if something bad does get made by

Sony fan boys right now.

This game is going to be way too long for any one to expect you to write about it day-to-day.

Are you going to update with recaps and the outcome?

I'm far from the biggest Civ fan, but boy does this seem like it'll be entertaining to watch.

None. I can't get into a lot of books. If the first chapter doesn't captivate me I put them down. =/

In the last movie? Or last chapter of the manga?

I could name quite a few pieces of software that don't have any patches within the first few weeks.

I understand that, but there is no reason for such an exponential jump, especially with patches. I think that a lot of games lack optimization.

I know that, but even post day 1 patches are huge now a days.

This is how I felt with Dragon Ball Z growing up. Naruto's manga felt rushed during the last 100 or so chapters. There are things that I still have questions about that I believe went unanswered, unless they were answered in the last movie.

These multi gig patches are killing me. Why are the patches so large now a days?

I had a love/hate relationship with this game growing up. The game is sitting on the shelf as we speak.

Punishments do nothing. Even when I was growing up, I took punishments as a joke, both at home and at school. It was after my mother went old school and whooped my ass that I started taking things more seriously.

They should swat the swatters with swatters. That'll teach them.

It's not only paypal. There are a ton of companies you could do this too including the TelCo's and to an extent the CC companies.