
I love it, but it isn’t even the best Godfather film, that goes to 1.

I didn’t even have to wait until the comment section for the overblown Jeter comparison.


IIRC, Universal still owns the rights to Sub-Mariner as well.

So much freedom !!!

This looks like one of those 90's posters you'd have on your wall; Along with a poster of a white Countach on a checkboard floor, and a poster of Cindy Crawford.

Sorry, but Lord of the Rings is a beautiful piece of modern mythology that speaks volumes about human nature. Creating a grim-dark inversion of Tolkiens work doesn't disprove that. His statement reeks of the overbearing cynicism present in the 1970's.

Because Assassin's Creed is the world's most boring franchise, and a better game with similar ideas can be made without being a part of it.

The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. Has some amazing stuff about everything from religion to linguistics to relativistic travel to spaceflight... the science was checked by former Analog editor Stanley Schmidt and the ideas are top notch.

I absolutely loathe ASM 2. Like Bricken on MOS level hatred. Having said that, that is a cool Rhino concept. Fuck these new Spider-Man movies, they're awful and I hate them.

Both amazing and 1-3. I would like to wipe peoples memory. Give the rights back to Marvel and see what happens.

Fuck all this Jeter noise. Paulie was THEE MAN. Hate to see you go, but very glad you came. Go go White Sox.

Seriously, I should not have to mention where Darth Vader comes from.

man, I used to yank that controller out of the SNES/N64 and then punch my friend in the face to win at Mortal Kombat.

If I failed the game froze. It was like Russian Roulette with the consoles back then.

I'm gonna say disregard the ending because even though I have no problem with it, I know a lot of people did and I totally get why. But some of the missions (especially Thessia) truly made me feel like the entire galaxy was at stake in the whole series. I am a great big sucker for high stakes stories (because i LOVE

Oh this one. I dare not spoil it, but all the signs were there and I didn't even see it coming. Completely blew me away. And the reasoning was completely sound!

I saw that quip in the post. Don't disrespect the original 80's cartoon. It ran original episodes from 1987 to 1996... yeah nearly 10 years. Also nobody knew who the turtles was prior to that show. It made the old films possible as well as the action figure line (possibly the best line in the history of action

The Matrix Reloaded is the correct answer.