
Winston was a guy “who just wants a steady paycheck”. That was his character. Venkman, Stanz, and Spengler were practicing had-been funded researching scientists. Feig totally misses the material here.

Ha. This i09. Since when hasn’t this place been on the total slant for DC? You guys gussy up DC every day and mud-sling at Marvel every change you think you have a chance.

We’re ready.

“I blog on a Kinja site. I lack imagination. I don’t know the meaning of Suspention of Disbelief. I write in tounge-in-cheek and hyperbole.”

Did you bring me strawberries?

Came here explicitly for this. Thank you.

Ok I’ll take the high minority opinion. I think these look like they are trying to be something that is a misinterpretation of the originals: “Slapped together home scientist”. Except Venkman, Stanz, and Spengler were University Funded researchers. They had their funds revoked because Venkman was a poor manager and

Augbesians and Such.

Yeah this always confused me. Having studied Linguistics and Semiotics, I really appreciate the study here. It’s just a matter of imputed meaning to a set of signs.

Cumberbatch is that you...

I believe that it is Luke's conversation with Leia in the Ewok village just re-cut in a different order.

Yes! Here here to you sir! We demand a proper Man-Thing film!

Instantly what I thought

Thank you for this. And for not being ignorant.

Who's ready for the ageless debate Star Wars vs Star Trek?

I live in St. Louis. Everything "St. Louis style cuisine" makes me ashamed. Except maybe the craft beer. AB can take a long walk off a short pier.

I really liked the subtleties in this in this trailer. Hearing an older Hank Pym opine on family, worth, and second chances, given the history of his character, to a Scott Lang, who will soon learn all those realities, is fantastic. The quip about changing the name is a nice nod to the number of times Hank changed

Hahaha. I seriously don't know. I was wondering that myself. I just wanted a reference to The Player Haters Ball from The Chappelle Show.

And let the ball begin...