Something Something Explosion

Who complains about "dark n' gritty" anymore? In the early 2000's, it was an unfortunate necessity, as goofier superhero sensibilities couldn't be accepted or translated to film. Nowadays, it's more of an aesthetic choice…it just so happens that more recent movies that have chosen to go that route were horrifically

Dual Question: Which episode did you watch? Also, did you watch the whole thing?

AV Club's Comics Panel: If you want to bitch about Secret Empire, you've come to the right place!

When they initially announced the Defenders line-up way back when, I was curious to see that Iron Fist would be getting his own series. Not that I have anything against Danny, but I never expected he could sustain a whole show on his own without Luke or any of the HfH.

I think Spencer would be a much better fit for Spidey than for Cap.

Eh, I wouldn't necessarily go that far. I can empathize with your disdain, but I was just mildly disappointed more than anything; that they ditched the nuance of the first half with hyperbole and heavy-handedness in the second.

It was certainly balsy to of them do do that halfway through the season…I just wish what they did after that was worthwhile of the risk.

Funny enough, I felt as though the writers in Jessica Jones had more interesting ideas on how Luke's powers might put him at more of a disadvantage, what with still being susceptible to mind-control, receiving concussions via point-blank shotgun blasts, and not even being able to be resuscitated easily due to his

With hopes, Heroes for Hire will be established by the next season (Filling in the empty lot of Pop's Barber Shop, which was already heavily insinuated that that was what was going to happen anyway) and it will go in that direction.

That's actually what makes me cautious about the upcoming second season of JJ, now that they used and killed off the most compelling antagonist available. In the first half of the first season, there was a semblance of the case-of-the-week structure before the Killgrave stuff got super-heavy; hopefully they'll play up

In an ideal world, Danny would have first showed up as a supporting character in Luke Cage, same way Luke did in Jessica Jones, then the second season would just be renamed Heroes for Hire and feature both of them.

It's that recurring misunderstanding of Peter's character you're noting is why I was never a fan of J. Michael Straczynski‎'s run on the series back in the 2000's. I'm aware that, since "One More Day" is among that run, saying his tenure wasn't all that great is a foregone conclusion, but I know many people who

I'm of the opinion where I completely understand the reverence other people have for the film, and I cannot deny that, on a technical level, it's undeniably well-made. I've just come to the reasoning that I don't care for Spider-Man 2 for an admittedly petty reason, that being I cannot personally forge an emotional

I would joke on your apparent enthusiasm for this prospect…but, unfortunately, the Internet has beaten you to this particular fascination for nearly a year already.

Perhaps if it were Pleasantville-era Maguire, it might have worked a bit better. Then again, with that timing it might have turned into James Cameron's idea for a Spidey flick, which…*shudder*

"At 21, Tom Holland is only a hair younger than Toby Maguire was when he first donned the tights."

So…did Arthur and Mera ever have time to get married before his sudden dethroning?

Maybe "slut-shaming" was too broad of a description. Upon elaboration, my biggest issue with the conclusion of Barney's character arc is we were led to believe it was going to be one thing (Getting married to Robin), when we had the carpet swept from under us and was told it was instead something else (Having a kid to

Veering off-topic, you mentioned Stanhope, he did a show in my hometown earlier this year, and had a bit about "offensive" jokes that really resonated with me. Basically, he was mocking how people tell comics like him "how dare you make fun of these horrible things," where he merely responded, "Yes, how dare I make fun

Oh, you think that ongoing condom joke is "edgy?" Wait until you get to the end of the season…