Something Something Explosion

I’ve been struggling to get my Dad into watching this show (I had previously succeeded with a previous endeavor with Rick & Morty, but also failed spectacularly with The Venture Bros). The last attempt was recommending to watch the first, just to understand the show and its world, skip the second, for fear of losing

Yeah, I remember the initial reviews for Bojack were not flattering, to say the least. It definitely took me a while to have a remote interest in checking it out (I can’t recall what it was that finally sparked that interest. Perhaps I came across a review once more people had seen the full season, maybe I was just

UPDATE: Turns out the wiseass is…me.

UPDATE: Turns out the wiseass is…me.

Alright, who's the wiseass who already chose my name on Kinja?

Alright, who's the wiseass who already chose my name on Kinja?

Then why don't you do something about it, Spidey? Manhattan's only a train ride away, for chrissake.

I'll have to put some time out to start watching the series itself, so I can't affirm McLevy's claim that this first episode spends too much time retreading continuity. That being said, if it did, that burden for the series might actually be your blessing as a viewer; being caught up to speed on everything you need to

Wait, Kanye is attached to this? I always thought the Jetsons imagery in the "Heartless" novelty was just anachronistic; I guess he's been a big fan this whole time.

…You could have just as easily said "It was good, not great."

Now that's what I call Edgy!

Wow, okay…

Respectfully disagree. Vance inadvertently killed himself because he could not handle not being in control of the situation, and allowed his anxieties to overwhelm him when the solution out of it was so simple literally a child could do it (And a child that he didn't even think was that intelligent).

Mr. Handlen seems really hung up as to how long Rick's nihilism and ego can be stretched before his actions paint him as an outright villain (Though, honestly, for a series where the protagonist drunkenly threatened to detonate the planet, then unintentionally ravaged the planet with a haphazard mutant virus all

If Pickle Rick was any indication, I have the feeling that by the end of this season, we'll all be seeing Jerry in a much more sympathetic, albeit still pathetic, light.

Well, actually Discovery hasn't "gone anywhere," per se. It's just wildly expected to fall flat on its face, what with numerous production troubles and re-writes being leaked behind the scenes, and the most glaring concern being that the obscenely expensive show is going to be largely exclusive to CBS' streaming

Off the top of my head, the Marvel Defenders shows. Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, so long as the cast and crew are all retained when they switch platforms, but then again this theoretical streaming service is undefined at the moment; we don't know if Disney is aiming to cater their service to kids and

I was fourteen back then, so…both, maybe?

I can't wait for the sequel that they'll try and retroactively incorporate into Lionsgate's "John Wick Cinematic Universe." It'll be set in the early 90's, and Theron will be training Miles Teller who is revealed at the end to be a young Wick the whole time (And for a sight-gag, his character's introduction is him