Something Something Explosion

I thoroughly agree. They could certainly play it safe, especially with a competitive movie coming out that might be able to get away with more what with not having the burden of the Disney brand, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

I was wondering the same thing myself. I had the window on a half-screen format, and initially the title and banner image replicated itself about eight times before I could scroll down to the review. Then, when I opened up the window, the whole thing was a smorgasbord of misplaced hyperlinks and the sort.

I wonder how that will apply once the Dumbo and Mulan movies approach their release…

Exactly. I always figured becoming Iron Fist was just a natural by-product of being stranded as a young child and raised in K'un Lun, with little to no context to the outside world. If anything, Roy Thomas side-stepped the more overt issues that similar origins, Tarzan most notably, had back in the older days.

Well okay, I can respect that. The whole "morbid fascination" thing. I might actually ask him sometime, now that the air has been cleared.

I don't know, let me phone my Dad real quick so he can justify his opinion over a show that has concluded years ago to some aggressive yet admittedly passionate individual in the Disqus comments.

I agree with the reviewer here on AV Club in terms of its second-half problems; they should have either kept Cottonmouth alive or at the very least played up Mariah's new presence as the main antagonist. Like I said though, my bullshit tolerance is pretty high; a show or movie really has to reach Star Trek Into

An Axel Braun XXX Parody.

At least in Daredevil there was justification within the story as to why Matt doesn't suit up until the last episode. Here, Danny could have very well just brought his robes with him back from K'un-Lun.

Umm…did you read the reviews for Luke Cage on this site? You can almost visually see Ali Barthwell's hopes and enthusiasm diminish with each successive episode after episode 8.

Why they didn't make Danny a supporting character in Luke's show, or just made a Heroes for Hire series to begin with, is lost on me.

I more or less agree with what you are saying here. The majority of these characters being white is simply a result of the early days by which they were created. Any arguments I hear about a sense of "erasure" or "pandering" when it comes to changing the ethnicity of legacy characters loses its steam for me when you

Bruce Wayne was a rich kid who was trained by ninjas. How come there isn't any outcry that Batman isn't Asian? (And besides, now there is a Chinese Bat-Man in-universe)

My Dad, a hardcore Dexter fan, ever since he discovered the series when CBS ran censored episodes of the first season back during the writer's strike, will defend that ending to the high heavens. To him, Dexter was self-righteously condemning himself, casting away his remaining loved ones for their own safety. Like

Ooh, big boy. Big boy in his big boy pants, yeah!
Big boy, ties his own shoelaces, yeah! Ooh, 1983…
What are you even doing on AV Club?
Big boy, buttons up the shirt, knows how to tie a tie…f-for prom.
(To be clear, I agree with your opinion. I just couldn't resist making this reference based on your response here)

Apparently making him an Asian-American who crash-lands in Asia would have fixed that.

When that first line-up was made some years back, I was puzzled that they didn't go ahead and make a Heroes For Hire series. I mean, Luke Cage could certainly hold his own series—and he did, in my opinion—but I couldn't see how Danny could maintain an entire show without Luke or Misty to work off of. Still, I have yet