I honestly think Carrey was doing fine, considering both the movie and the material he was given (Though I do recall him saying he didn't look into the series until after the movie, or something).
I honestly think Carrey was doing fine, considering both the movie and the material he was given (Though I do recall him saying he didn't look into the series until after the movie, or something).
At least this kid is wearing glasses. It was certainly odd that they took that out of the movie, as not only is that a big feature to the character, but the fact he has bad sight is a huge plot point in the fourth book, which they would have to handle in a potential sequel.
That ending in this episode already diverts from the series off the bat, as well as Klaus finding that eyeglass in the mansion, but then again they're probably adding these things in so the adaptation of the first seven story arcs don't feel like too much of a slog.
He's definitely playing the character in a fashion that can work well with the longer format. I especially loved the detail in this first episode of him being drunk when he strikes Klaus; up to that point, Olaf was certainly malicious but withheld his true menace with his exaggerated theater persona, but once he hits…
In all honesty, I do side more with Ms. Streep (i.e. those with common sense), but I was trying to play devil's advocate with the original commenter, who felt the need to bring up "liberal bias". Though, again, no one really has clean hands in anything—but there should be an expectation for the President-elect to have…
I think we can all mutually agree that everyone is being butthurt, from Streep getting on a soapbox to our President-elect bitching on Twitter in response to a criticism he admits he did not even sit to hear first before reacting.
It looks like Snyder jumped the gun with spearheading the DCEU; his true calling is being produced elsewhere.
It doesn't help that the film itself had a wide shot of the donut-shaped spaceship rolling down toward them completely parallel to their trajectory, with tons of space between to make a swift turn.
To be fair, that line of reasoning you just put out is in of itself a running gag within the episode.
He did, but torching the place really came out of Rick not wanting to put up with the most marginal difficulties that comes with running a business.
You know what I always wanted to see out of Guardians of the Galaxy, often cited as a fun space-adventure romp full of brash, fun characters that work off of one another?
Props to you Avril. I'm sure Chad and the boys right now are soothing those burns with their millions of dollars.
Aww Erza Miller, God bless you…
I wonder if they'll decide to incorporate legacy elements into this one, like the 80's comic-book series where they tie all the previous incarnations together; like, how the pulp Hornet and the TV Hornet were cousins, the 60's Kato was the originals son who went on to have a Bruce Lee-style martial arts career once he…
Wait, are you referring to the 2011 film—which I have not seen, which is why I'm asking—or the source material in general? If so, what made it racist? The fact that, due to problematic relations with certain Asian cultures at the time, Kato has been every Eastern nationality under the sun?
Well, I could argue the same thing in regards to Sigourney Weaver as Madamde Hydra, but then again that has yet to be confirmed.
Weren't there rumors with Jason Statham last year? I don't know if any of it was definite, but Statham either turned it down or denied the rumors, then went on a rant over his dissatisfaction with Marvel's production strategies or something.
I came up with an idea walking out of the theater: In the sequel, Dormammu doesn't seek out consuming Earth, but just wants to fuck with Strange, so he attempts corrupting McAdams, but at that point she's learned enough from Strange that she's able to push away Dormammu's influence on her, thus gaining grey hair and…
I actually did initially see this movie in IMAX, but the screen cut out right when Steven was being introduced (According to the theater staff, this was a supposed widespread issue that day with the IMAX tech). I was given an IMAX reimbursement ticket and snuck into the 2D screening down the hall. I agree that this is…
Oh, why thank you. I believe it was from the episode "Lane Miserables", where Trent is reading a message for himself on his palm after the fact, that said "Remember to change the name of Mystic Spyral to something-something-explosion".