Hang on, I need to lay down before my rage stroke incapacitates me.
Hang on, I need to lay down before my rage stroke incapacitates me.
I am confused. Donald Trump leaves his son home for very long stretches with a former nude model from a former Soviet bloc country, but when Huma Abedin leaves her son home with a man who just sends photos of his tumescent underwear, it’s a national security threat?
Thank goodness I hate Seinfeld.
It’s different up there. The allergies suffer from Russians.
What is so utterly terrifying about this bald clownfish is that your statement isn’t hyperbole. Based on what he has said about her, that could very well be a legit desire of his. JFC, I can’t believe this is actual reality. Holy shit, ya know? I can't believe this white supremacist has gotten this far. Goddamn.
Fucking Obama again!
Highly puntable!
I’m just saying if someone wanted to give me “access” to a raging case of the crabs, I would say no thank you.
This isn’t like working for your run of the mill Republican, even your more unpleasant ones. This is working for a man who is both criminally stupid and a sociopath. If you aren’t able to admit that, admit your ultimate allegiance- as many, many stringent Republicans have already done- is not to the Republican party,…
We just have to get Hilary say she thinks it looks nice.
They’re in favor of Unborn Black Lives Mattering. After that, those black lives need to get a job.
shout out to my Irish grandparents who left the old country in 1927, chose not to disembark at Ellis Island and kept going to sensible Canada where, when the time came many decades later, i was able to walk a couple of blocks from my home to the Morgentaler Clinic, be treated like a rational adult and provided with…
Be prepared to eventually dig that ring out of his turds in the backyard.
Or you go to any NHS provider and still get an appropriate and safe abortion for free. This is one private provider being temporarily shut down until they improve their services and safeguards, it’s not an assault on abortion rights or body autonomy.
Sexism and racism were things that we conquered years ago before Obama and Hillary made them real again by getting all uppity and not knowing their places.
My old office split the 3rd floor of my building with an OB/GYN office. It was an old building, the elevators were finicky. It was my great fear that I’d be stuck in an elevator with a unexpectedly delivering mother. I am positive the headline would’ve been, “Mother Delivers Child, Resuscitates Poor Excuse for Man”…
“We’re deeply invested in our careers, but they don’t solely define us. For us, it’s about working smarter, not harder; integrating our personal passions and priorities with our professional goals in order to architect lives we love.”
Troll in the dungeon. Trollllll in the dungeon!