
That you even consider Jackass as a part of pop culture is the real problem.

My father commented on my romantic/sex life exactly three times:

The Pats fans in the greys currently rending their garments would like a word.

I went to school in semi-rural Nova Scotia in the early 80's. We didn’t have a paddle, we had the “Helping Hand” - wooden hand attached to a ruler that the teacher would whack you with. It sometimes boggles my mind that this seemed normal to me.

At first I thought you said “choking on a booger” which... is not out of the realm of possibility.

10/10, Would watch.

Chonky cats are the best cats. Chairman Meow here has Mr B beat by a pound. 

There’s few things more tiresome than an idiot who clicks into an article to tell the world he doesn’t want to read said article.

I hope you don’t feel bad about your gullibility, because this literally made my night. 

Splinter: Fuck civility! We do what we want!

Delete your account.

And yet they won’t shut up about how stupid Hillary was for ignoring Wisconsin. Hypocrite, thy name is Berniebro.

For a second there I thought you’d said “slimmer and more menacing” and was all set with a NO HE MOST CERTAINLY DOES NOT, SIR! response.

Just out of curiosity…. who the hell is Jim Arbuckle?

You’re an ableist bigot, aren’t you? I’m so sorry.

Where is that you... the point gif when you need it?

I think you spelled ruining wrong. 

Oh man, I’d finally managed to forget about the toad choad. Thanks Holly. 

He doesn’t support Israel because he loves the Jewish people, you spoon.