
You do realize (although I’m starting to think you don’t) that British people are not the only people in the world who say bollocks, right? Plenty of people in countries like Australia and Canada say bollocks because we are Commonwealth countries and our vernacular language has evolved under that influence.

Glad I’m not the only one.

I was out to catch some live music the other night and they did a cover of Fiddler’s Green and it was WAY TOO SOON.

My mother took a picture when, as a kid, I fell off my bike and slid twenty feet down the road on my face. But my mom is weird.

Like this man could reach his own dick.

Government coercion? Oh get fucked.

Confuses stating with crying. Doesn’t understand sarcasm.

Starred for fudgy banana. I tip my cap, sir/madam.

The senate, they’re not sending their best.

I love her, and true love lasts a lifetime.

And then those of us on the day east coast will complain about how Toronto tennis always thinks it’s the centre of the goddamn universe.



Agreed. Jim Hughson and Buck Martinez were the greatest duo in baseball broadcasting. Now I have to put up with Pat fucking Tabler, wondering all the while exactly how many fastballs he’s taken to the skull.

Do you ask the same question of male sports reporters? Or do you only ask that of female reporters? If it’s the latter, get fucked.

Yeah, I think the Beothuk would like to have a word about that word choice. Oh wait...

There’s a crack in everything

Bernie rarely puts forward his own legislation, and avoids voting on legislation put forward by other senators so that people can’t look back at his voting record and he can maintain his bullshit moral purity facade.

Three empty rocking chairs on that train now.