
How are the Kardashians not boring? They just sit around and almost have conversations.

Welp. fantasy sports players are requesting selfies with @darrenrovell.

In his defense the rules for Calvinball are both more approachable and more reasonable than NFL football.


“Trick Play. Wherever It Lands”

Camus is a pretty tough author to start him off with IMO.

Oh nice, you read the article, too? That’s great

Nothing interesting happened? Christ, people can’t even recognize progress anymore.

It’s only “out of bounds as fuck” if you accept the clearly broken and untenable NBA rule book. That’s the problem with basketball these days; everybody is trying to protect what they have and aren’t willing to embrace creative solutions to old problems.

Not sure what I’m watching? Jeez, get your eyes checked man.

One time I saw this guy walking around town and he was wearing a Carolina Panthers jersey like it wasn’t even a big deal.

The Panthers are 7-1 and are going to the championship what are you even talking about

Eh.. More like the Kinda Adequate Muta.

I think I broke my tail bone just watching that last chair drop.

They just need to find more constructive ways to do it, you know? Like, nonviolent protest? What has that ever accomplished? And violent protests only get you treated worse in the future. If I’m reading the comments properly, then clearly, the best thing for people to do is just suffer indignities in silence.

Grad student going hungry? Who gives a fuck!

You’d expect a Wolfe would know better than to try to let things blow over.

Let the record show that I am a 32 year old educated man with a wife and son and, until today, I thought there was an offshoot of the German language spoken in Austria called Austrian.