
Didn’t realize that my current shit worth is zero or in the negative, and that canned haggis, global thermonuclear war, and daylight saving time are all better ideas than “Ask a Lawyer.” Thanks for this moment of self-realization. Going up to the cabin for few weeks to fix this for you.

Yeah you right my bad.

How can this man expect to be taken seriously as a football coach if he acts like a human being?

Credit the MLS. They managed to miss penalties in ways none of us had ever seen before.

The wild thing is that I think Darke’s a better boxing announcer than he is a soccer guy. Dude’s just a broadcasting grandmaster.

Sammy Sterns gets it!

Not to be outdone, the Chelsea players plan to climb out of a clown car against Liverpool on Saturday.

Ignoring the talent levels of the teams he inherited, implying Maddon somehow was gifted an obscene level of talent, ignoring the track records of the Cubs and Rays managers before he got there, ignoring Yost’s penchant for making questionable at best managerial calls, etc etc.

But far be it from me to call someone out

The problem with this is that a lot of the points you’re making are bad and/or wrong.

Ratliff destroyed the game clock on the practice field, smashing it and kicking it.

No, you just know they’re related to the guy with the 69 jersey and the Cocks hat.

I bet this guy has, like, the biggest dick ever.

As a porn enthusiast, it does very little for me.

If he remembers to call ahead, Jerry’s surprise face can be out of cold storage and ready in 90 minutes!

Wait, I thought those banners were photoshopped to make fun of the guys who put up the originals. Are you telling me that those are the original banners?

They wouldn’t put him on the drive through... HE REFUSES TO WEAR THE HEADSET.

He went on to say, “Do you want fries with your burger?” before moving on to the next customer.