
Claire Daines also is confusing to follow in the dark and being able to tell if she’s going to stop or turn or what.

Going ham on tail lights is what keeps me going, period.

“Cool, let’s just let everyone decide for themselves how property that doesn’t belong to them should be used”

3. Dark in windows and no one else in the photo doesn’t mean it’s the middle of the night. It’s winter...the sun set at 4:56 pm today in Portland. has been awhile, hasn’t it?

SSX Tricky is a PS2/Xbox/Gamecube title from 2001. I’m guessing you meant a different Snowboarding game. Cool Boarders 2 I bet?

A Tesla LM 002 !

It’s a mars rover made available to the public. I think it’s beautiful.

This looks 1000% better

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

This and the Sixteen concept were peak mid-aughts American excess and I wanted both of them to live.

The Pontiac G6 GXP came from the factory with this thing. It was like, a generic brand Porsche whale tail.

Sorry, but that man was just objectively an idiot and a great candidate for the Darwin Awards.

well okay then!! 

Sans the Landau roof, it’s not that bad of a look.  It was also available in fastback. 

I’ll be honest. I think its fucking insane that our Government is forcing low income Canadians to directly subsidize millionaires through extreme mark up in prices. What is even worse is the products that have the mark ups dairy and poultry are also some of the best animal products to consume health wise due to their

Thank you! Prime example of a popular nonsensical comment being firmly and accurately rebutted with actual firsthand experience. Shame your original comment will never be as popular as Benjamin’s, but I’m glad you still addressed the point. Is Canada “kinder” to farmers? Yeah, but at what expense?

Ya, they’re totally normal chicken at Longos “organic” chicken can go as high as $30.00 a pack. The $20.00 is in Canadian so it would be about $15.50 USD. What is crazy is sometimes they’ll go on sale and the price cut can be as much as 60%! Last week at my local grocery store I picked up a pack of 5 for $10.00

I was stricken when I read this. I will be bereft if I can’t buy my spreadable Land O Lakes butter with olive oil. Short of the legit Amish butter my mom pays through the nose for, it’s the best.