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“I hope Deadspin never covers sports again.”

Jalopnik EIC Patrick George was asking for feedback:

In a beautiful twist, the Nationals announced that chef and humanitarian Jose Andres will throw out the first pitch at game 5 (if necessary) and that although Donald Trump has said he will attend Game 5, he was not asked to throw out the first pitch.

This right here. Smoltz fucking sucks and not enough people talk about it. He actually makes me miss Tim McCarver, and no one should ever feel that way.

There is no way Donald Trump attends Game 5.

Follow my lead tonight. At 8 PM EST, crack open a beer, go to your couch, click on the TV, and relax. Just watch baseball. We can worry about all this other stuff when the games aren’t being played.

Why pay QBs $500K? Spread the wealth around to the other players. It’s secondary league/offseason football. Nobody is watching the XFL because of the QBs who can’t make 3rd string NFL practice squads.

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There are an abundance of cool, unusual scenes in that movie. The opening ”escape from East Berlin” scene, Alicia Vikander dancing out of focus in the background while Armie Hammer tries to focus on chess, it was hilarious watching Armie Hammer and Henry Cavill argue over women’s fashion, but I think the boldest

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Aww, I liked Man from UNCLE. It was a fun little movie with a ton of style. The whole boat-chase scene that played out in the background while Cavill steals somebody’s (delicious looking) lunch and listens to Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera on the radio was stellar.

I appreciate the AV Club laying out all the grains of salt for this story, but I do totally buy that Leto would try to kill a competitor to his own Juggaloker. I think what annoys him is that, from all the comments he made before ‘Suicide Squad’ came out about how he’d dived deep into the Joker’s psyche, Phoenix’s

I know I’m probably alone in this, but I didn’t much like Jared Leto’s take on the Joker.

I agreeI agree with what you wrote here. It's actually gotten pretty ridiculous. A movie is meant to tell a story. That's it. To entertain us. And all these so-called ridiculous articles about the army and the FBI, it was all a lie. There was a press release issued from a source that nobody can seem the name, it can't

Counterpoint to Damon:

It’s okay, the usual AVC regulars are just secretly mad that all the moral panic surrounding this film didn’t result in a violent incel uprising they lowkey hoped it would have.

This movie is more Nolan Dark Knight than anything DCEU. I hated BvS and Suicide Squad. People are trying really hard to act like it's a bad movie just because they agree with some of the negative pre-release press. Yes some people are also treating it like an Oscar worthy film, when I believe it will be a very

There’s only one Scorsese and a ton of comic-book movies, so I was happy to get a Scorsese riff instead of computer animations fighting each other in third act.

Because the professional journo class were hysterical about this film? Yes, I imagine fans to really enjoy this moment. 

It was a slow burn character study. We need more of this. Yes, it’s Taxi Driver and KOC homages are heavy handed as shit, but can you name another blockbuster like this?

I have a feeling that most people will disagree with you. People who like Scorsese will definitely like this movie.