
I’m struggling to understand the purpose of this “review.” You used a few sentences to basically say nothing more than “it was average” while using a whole bunch of paragraphs to complain about how people (mostly, in my experience, Gizmodo Media Group) keep arguing about this movie. In essence, you haven’t reviewed

Getting pissy because a base runner came too close to the mound after getting thrown out at first is fucking stupid, but I can empathize with the desire to plunk a guy who doesn’t make it out of the batter’s box before his home run hits the seats.

CORRECTION: This review previously stated that the man behind the 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting identified himself as “the Joker,” a rumor that has since been debunked.

If memory serves, it was the shooter himself who claimed to be “inspired” by the Joker, mainly as a smarmy legal strategy

As soon as I saw the picture, I thought “this looks like something Garage 54 would do.” I love this channel and their English translator.

An ad hominem is a logical fallacy. That is, it’s an insult used as justification for a logical argument. “You’re wrong because you’re an idiot” is an ad hominem logical fallacy. “You’re an idiot” is not.

I love that the second reply after he mentions Jalopnik is “For the love of god tell me you didn’t pay even half of $15K for it...”

Now playing

...back in the day everyone called it boring and slow!

Bucknor not being in the Hall of Fame is a crime.

You should watch some of Louis Rossmann’s bike footage, he rides it every day. It’s pretty crazy stuff.

Just because you’re fine with being a scumbag doesn’t mean that everyone else is.

She is apparently living with a woman named Cynthia Antwon Mans as evidenced by pictures on her Facebook page.

Your latter paragraph is irrelevant to your first sentence.

Unless the person is physically purchasing the product overseas, the origin of the product is irrelevant to whether or not it adds value to the economy.

Union guy is gonna spend the money, which is good for the economy.

Fighting for fair wages and benefits is bad?

Just as a follow-up, Digital Foundry posted their review of the Genesis Mini, and it goes over in detail exactly all of the stuff you’d want in an in-depth review. Now granted, not many news sources are going to match the quality of analysis that DF provides, and it’s really not fair to compare, but it’s definitely at

The V6 Impala only makes 20 hp less, without any turbos (albeit with more displacement), while the V6 in the Camaro actually makes 10 more horsepower.

“Blah” is exactly the word I would use when looking at the interior in the pictures above. It looks like a slightly upscale GM interior; that is, it looks damn similar to tons of other GM interiors I’ve seen before, and only slightly nicer. And they’re not bad interiors, they’re pretty good, but they’re rather