
Shit like this will ensure the death of any kind of meaningful preseason games. More and more teams are moving towards coordinated practices and sitting their starters through most of the preseason games.

My guess is that this review, like a lot of the GMG content lately, is simply light on the actual reviewing stuff, in that he probably has no idea how to test, let alone quantify, either the emulation quality or lag. I mean, it seems like the whole gist of the article is “Here are the games, here’s what I think about

How the hell do you consider Earthworm Jim to be C-tier? It’s one of the best platformers of its time, and at the very least, most definitely way the hell better than freaking Ecco the Dolphin.

Every time someone wants to argue about “who has the real home run record,” I always try to point out how the game has changed over the years due to things like raising or lowering the mound, or construction of the baseball, so that records are really not that comparable regardless of who used steroids when. Maybe

I recognized right away those lights were not stock when I first saw the movie, and I knew that the US Lancer’s lights were different than the Evo VII’s (they are pointy on the side), but I never really noticed those were aftermarket US tail lights, I always just assumed since it was an Evo and not a shitty non-Evo

Yeah, the 3G Eclipse was a total chick car, especially the Spyder. Anyone that knew anything about cars was pissed that it was larger, heavier, FWD only, and had a SOHC V6 that made less horsepower than the 2G’s 4G63 that had what seemed like the world’s tiniest turbocharger on it (seriously, take a stock 2G Eclipse

“I don’t think we had cell phones back then!”

Those touchscreen controls absolutely ruin what is otherwise a pretty sweet car.

I had an ‘04 Rubicon when I lived on Guam, probably one of the best vehicles to own on that island. I was almost always driving short stints and could go off-road any time I wanted. The 4.0 engine was a torque monster and I could take off idling in third.

I hear a lot of baseball people on the radio talk about how “tanking” is bad for baseball, but I’d argue that it’s the opposite. If a few years of bad baseball results in a revamped organization that actually has a good farm system and can remain competitive for years, then that’s a good thing for baseball. We need

Motor Trends idiotic assertion that you can’t get a flat plane crank engine over 4 liters.

What the fuck does that even mean?

All top notch comments, but no, torque is not linear with power. It’s an independent curve, with only a common crossover with power.

I see people mentioning premixing but no mention of removing the OMP. Premixing on a stock rotary is a complete waste as Mazda is already injecting crankcase oil into the combustion chamber. The whole point of the system was so that premixing wouldn’t be necessary (average drivers can’t be trusted to remember to add

I had a customer who lamented using electronic records, “back in the day” they used to do everything via paper. They’d complain because they’d randomly double-click on things they should be single-clicking on, partially because they don’t know how computers work and partially because their machines were slow pieces of

You just need to learn a little bit, you old ass.

I merely commented on a game. You personally insulted me right away, multiple times.

But awhile ended quickly this morning.

This is stupid, and also, no thanks.

None of the embedded videos work on this stupid site anymore.