Revenge of the Sith is easily the best of the prequels
Revenge of the Sith is easily the best of the prequels
I absolutely love Motorweek Retro Reviews! Thanks for pointing it out!
I don’t think it’s especially 80's looking, it’s just a great looking car. Probably my favorite M5 (although the E28 is pretty gorgeous as well). Most of BMW’s older cars look a lot better than what they’ve made since.
Yeah $200 for 9 panels is insane. A pack of 4 extra panels is $80, barely a discount from the main kit, so to recreate the Pacman ghosts shown above, which use 19 panels each, you’d have to buy 3 of the main kits and 8 of the extra 4-packs for a total of $1240, which is absolutely nuts for a cheap wall decoration.
Yeah $200 for 9 panels is insane. A pack of 4 extra panels is $80, barely a discount from the main kit, so to…
Why are you still using Ghostery?
But, no. Abused children cannot escape their abusers by building functioning airplanes out of toys and flying away to have adventures; telling a story that ended that way would be utterly reprehensible.
You and I both know that he wasn’t working 80 to 100 hours a week on anything. He lied about everything else, why wouldn’t this be a lie as well? About the only thing that I think may not have been a lie was the suggestion of blowing money on drugs, although even that was probably a lie since he suggested it as a…
This guy is full of crap. Everything he said was a lie to make himself look better at every step of the way, even the comments after the fact like how he “still intends to pay them” despite having no money. If the two options are “prove that this is true” or “you’re a liar” and he refuses to prove it’s true, while…
No, your 3 year-old toddler is not at all like a fictional adult man wearing a super strong suit of metallic armor and you shouldn’t be giving him “boxing lessons.”
I feel this film was always doomed on Jezebel though, there was zero chance this review was ever going to not tell it’s readers, women in particular, how they should feel about the film.
I’m half-and-half on Tarantino, some of his movies I liked and some of them I couldn’t stand. Inglourious Basterds is, in my opinion, utterly terrible and exemplifies the much-lauded never-ending slop of dialogue he’s most known for. Frankly I find it to be the worst part about any of his movies. People always say he…
This steaming hot take is sure to gain a lot of attention from the many readers who lack the same nuance and basic cognitive abilities as the average GMG writer.
we cannot lie, although other news sites try to deny
Used stuff is garbage in part because modern things aren’t built nearly as well as they used to be.
I can’t stand white meat, it’s so dry and flavorless. I always go for dark.
Not to mention, he’s a pitcher, so the number of days affects him less because he doesn’t play every single game, a basic fact of baseball that Chris Thompson seems ignorant of.
This is MLB determining that the beaning was intentional and, notably, hitting Ramirez with a longer suspension than the one given to Marisnick for bulldozing and injuring Jonathan Lucroy.
The current Switch is already an SoC, this is just a process shrink of the exact same SoC, hence the better battery life.
Pain & Gain is a fucking terrible movie.