
Hamilton is lumping every single homeowner into a single class and making ridiculously erroneous statements about them, like “throwing up political and regulatory barriers to policies that would allow enough new housing construction to start to close the gap.”

This is what housing policy failure in a free market looks like.

Sounds like another brilliant idea from Hamilton Nolan.

Because everything that Michael Harriot writes is factual and truthful.

Most of his articles are bullshit articles.

No Dual Shock? WTF?

The media seems to have an agenda against law enforcement, and I’m not entirely positive but it seems to be purely monetarily motivated. It’s easy to rile people up by trashing people in positions of authority, especially cops since that’s who most people interact with the most. Cops are an easy target for sensational

C’mon son. There are so few black people in Wisconsin, the Green Bay Packers had a white wide receiver.

It didn’t have to be a draw to make the second fight sell.

PlayStation is making 500 million of those.

I think he meant the baserunner coming from second base. Had he stepped on third, Sanchez would not have been able to go back to third and would have been easily tagged out.

Geely Canyonero

If Apple buys Tesla, they’ll ruin the product.

Garage 54 is one of my favorite Youtube channels to watch. They’ve done a ton of ridiculous stuff, like wooden pistons, self-tapping screws for tire studs, and one of my favorites, coil springs welded to the wheel. The narrator translates exactly what the guy says, so it’s often pretty funny to listen to. This is a

Actually, everything from 1977-1995 gets the tail pipe/gas cap test (no more dyno testing) and visual inspection. Everything from 1996 up gets the OBD test. I forgot, my Jetta doesn’t get emissions tested because it has historic tags.

My 1991 Jetta doesn’t even need to be emissions tested anymore due to its age. I just tested my 2006 vehicle at a standalone kiosk which contains a wireless OBDII device that I connected to the car myself. My state doesn’t even do tailpipe emissions anymore.

Yeah, you can’t just throw the baseball at people and call them out.

I’ll be the first to call you an idiot and say that I think your opinions are dumb, but I would never go beyond a tiny bit of flippant criticism within the comments of the website.

If you were to buy a Windows laptop with equivalent hardware, it would cost less than $300.

If you were to buy a Windows laptop with equivalent hardware, it would cost less than $300.