
These things are complete garbage and it’s absolutely ridiculous that Apple sells them for so much.

These things are complete garbage and it’s absolutely ridiculous that Apple sells them for so much.

In terms of the US market, which I would think would be a rather large target for a gaming business model, the infrastructure is nowhere near ready to handle streaming on more than a niche basis, and I’m not sure it ever will be, considering that by the time the infrastructure catches up to the current requirements,

sounds like to me you were a bad instructor

I love it when, during an NFL broadcast, they turn to an “expert” who proceeds to make a totally illogical, obviously incorrect interpretation, or the reverse, when they actually comprehend and explain the rule correctly only to have the person on the field announce the opposite decision.

That’s pretty funny, and I like how the cop moved him all the way over (around here, the idiot would have just pulled off to the left shoulder though). But the problem with not actually pulling him over and ticketing him is that he’s probably thinking “What the heck just happened?” and completely oblivious to why the

You need to take a driver improvement course. “Passing on the right” refers to using the shoulder of the road to pass other cars. It has nothing to do with going faster on the highway in a lane to the right of another vehicle.

The reality is that for *most* people driving is drudgery and they just want to get angry when slightly inconvenienced.

People think that the qualification for being king of the fast lane is “I am driving the fastest”. No. That’s not how society works. We don’t have to make space for you just because you’re enough of a dick to speed heavily on a public road.

You know what makes me angry? Arriving at an intersection with other cars, and sitting there while the morons try to wave each other on because they don’t understand right-of-way.

And if you see someone approaching you from the rear (and ignorance is no excuse, because it’s your job as a driver to check your mirrors and maintain awareness of the traffic around you), either move over immediately or speed up a bit to pass the traffic next to you and move over.

it is difficult to judge closing distances when an oncoming car is travelling faster than you expect them to be.

There was also that 17-inning game up in Boston where Davis came in to pitch 2 scoreless innings, striking out 2, and getting the win. That was pretty cool.

My best trick for using Google search: use DuckDuckGo instead. That way I get results relevant to what I actually searched for.

I’ve been in a number of quick stopping situations, and I realized the very first time that the last thing you want to do when traffic in front of you stops suddenly is to slam on the brakes. It’s a great way to get rear-ended. Ever since then, I’ve always paid attention to the areas off to the side so that if traffic

This is exactly what I thought when manufacturers started rolling out with these driver assist systems. All of the commercials demonstrating them showed idiot drivers being inattentive and the automatic braking system or collision avoidance system saving them from an accident. They’re marketing them as systems that

Click is NOT a good movie.

Sandler may make a lot of movies, but IMO they appear to be some of the lowest-effort projects ever made, so chock full of brand placement that, to me, they play like excruciatingly long and cringey advertisements. (Side note: this doesn’t really apply to his earlier movies.) I don’t think you can call it “worth

The most shocking thing about the video is his use of a turn signal right before he cuts back into traffic.

No one in the wings? Trey Mancini is a first baseman playing left field.