
I’ve never gotten the “manuals suck in stop-and-go” argument. I really dislike automatics in this kind of traffic. I have to stay on the brakes and get on the gas over and over again, while with a manual I can just let the clutch out or put it in and barely brake.

The fact that it’s a hatchback makes this car a crapload more appealing to me, although I don’t necessarily need four doors. But it’s annoying how cramped sedan trunks can sometimes be. You might have a decent amount of volume in a trunk but a ridiculous cutout to shove everything through makes it that much harder to

You’re driving completely wrong if you’re focusing on only what’s right in front of you, or “tunnelvisioning,” as you call it.

Yeah, the only people who seem to want these types of systems are the people who want to pay even less attention than the practically zero amount they currently give.

Because this has the strong scent of bullshit.

Other people have already mentioned this, but I’ll repeat it anyway: KeePass. I generate and store all of my passwords locally, using the maximum number of characters and combinations allowed by the password requirements for the given website. I would personally never trust an online service to hold ALL of my

Technically, you can strike out more than 4 in an inning, but nobody has ever done it (which means it’ll probably eventually happen, because baseball).

But in this case, he didn’t even make an out!

Counterpoint: you can fuck right off.

Right but the base fuel mapping was for that octane, and the car had no way to determine otherwise, which is my point.

My mother bought a Mercury Mountaineer with powered retracting running boards. The second question I asked (the first being “why did you buy a Mercury when the brand is dying”) was “why did you pay extra for powered running boards?” She insisted it was a feature she wanted, but I told her that not only did she not

I had some older 90s cars that ran like absolute crap with their 1 wire narrow band 02 sensors with anything other than regular 87.

but in some cases your mileage will drop and you’ll lose power.

Higher octane gas doesn’t burn as easily

his Russian sources that weren’t only not verified but debunked

I was an Authorized Inspector for a company that helps enforce the NBIC. I worked with many professional shops that built pressure vessels all the time by welders who had spent decades making perfect welds. You’d be surprised by how often I found welds that didn’t penetrate fully, didn’t fill in properly, or undercut

You can’t watch a CD

I had a VCD once. It was a Best Motoring VCD that I bought while I was in Singapore, simply for novelty reasons. This was back in like 2004/5 and VCDs were HUGE in Asian markets back then. They’d have piles of DVDs of a single movie sitting right next to piles of VCDs of the same movie.

I use CDs in my car when I’m not listening to sports talk radio. I have a 6-disc in-dash player that plays MP3s, so I usually just fill up a disc’s worth with one particular artist and listen to it until I get sick of it, which takes a while.

Commentary tracks are definitely something I’ve loved about DVDs in the past. There’s no reason an audio stream can’t include a commentary option, either, but unless I haven’t been paying close enough attention, I don’t think they usually offer one.