Yeah, that’s where I found it. I didn’t think it would be something I liked, but Eliza Coupe was in it and I love her, so I decided to give it a watch and I ended up loving it. That cast worked really well together.
Yeah, that’s where I found it. I didn’t think it would be something I liked, but Eliza Coupe was in it and I love her, so I decided to give it a watch and I ended up loving it. That cast worked really well together.
I liked him, and everyone else really, in the show Happy Endings.
I respect your opinion, but I also disagree with it. I don’t see the point in embracing racist ideas and giving hateful words more power through censorship.
So, if the majority meaning is negative, the majority meaning is probably the one we should consider.
The point is that the word doesn’t mean anything different.
The feature isn’t the problem, it’s how people are using it.
So you’re saying that the music is racist?
You’re completely missing the point. It’s not the words that we use that matters, it’s the message we’re trying to send when we use them. Banning words because they may have, at one point in time, had an entirely different meaning is idiotic. Language is fluid and constantly changing.
It might heal you, but it’ll also briefly make it harder to fight or walk a straight line Alcohol complicates one of video games’ routine acts, similar to real life.
I had never heard of siping before this, but it immediately made me think of snow tires. Anyone who knows anything about snow tires probably knows how they’re constructed, and while it makes sense that siping might provide some benefit of traction in snow, there’s still the fact that snow tires have other traits that…
All I see is cracks, possibly from where they widened the road. There are no marked lane lines. It’s 1 lane.
All take-out pizza is priced so that you need a significantly discounted coupon code to make it worth paying for.
I agree, especially since now they actually give you the option of having it cut in slices instead of squares.
I ask for unsalted fries because they put too goddamn much salt on their fries. I don’t add salt to them, because they STILL taste salty even when “unsalted.”
People make fun of accents by using exaggerated versions of them all the time. It’s not racist, it’s stereotypical. I don’t really see the difference between someone making fun of, say, a southern American accent, and someone making fun of how a Chinese accent sounds.
If you pried open the head
Of course Questlove isn’t going to argue with him on the air. He is at work and he happens to work for the least combative talk show host in the history of talk shows.
Okay, number 1: this is a thing that people have personal opinions on. Some people actually liked the halftime show. Some didn’t. Big deal.
I see you have a hard-on for hating Justin Timberlake. Did he turn you down on one the one occasion that you happened to be fortunate enough to meet him? Perhaps you aren’t aware that he’s probably not gay. I mean, everything he’s done since NSYNC pointed towards that fact, but maybe you didn’t get the memo and feel…