
What the fuck is “Wypipo?” Oh, nevermind, I looked it up, it’s a racist term.

What a fucking retarded article.

You could just, you know, buy your own damn phone like everyone else.

The XFL was never as shitty as everyone makes it out to be post its demise. But the new XFL sounds like it’ll be nothing like the old XFL, which makes me believe that the new one WILL be shitty.

because of how it “tarnished” Luke Skywalker’s legacy

Rey is not a strong character, she’s basically the biggest Mary Sue ever.

You don’t have to double-click the home button to see your recent apps in iOS 11 anymore. Your recent apps are now grouped alongside your Control Center, with both being accessible when you swipe all the way up from the very bottom of your screen.

I see this all the time driving on the highway, people don’t know how to do anything but panic brake. They don’t know how to change lanes, they can’t perceive how much space they have from the car in front of them or how fast that car is going, they can’t pay attention to the traffic to their sides and rear, and they

Buying a graphics card under $100 makes absolutely no sense, as it will be basically on-par with integrated graphics. This tier of cards exists solely to add a card to a computer that needs one (in other words, for basic display purposes, for instance if the on-board graphics have failed).

I have an alternative method: I don’t use Facebook.

Uh, isn’t this like super fucking obvious?

Because it’s TechRax. He exists to piss people off.

Cars do NOT need to be evenly spaced. Why? Because drivers are NOT evenly competent. I’m very much capable of maintaining a closer distance than many drivers I see. How do I know this? Because I pay close attention to the cars around me. I can see the patterns of driving habits of other people.

So, let me get this straight: because some people are actually successful and can make something of themselves, and most people can’t, it’s time to start stealing from the people who earned it and give it to people who didn’t. Even though those people who didn’t earn it directly contributed to making those rich people

“Passing on the right” means passing on the shoulder. Passing people on the shoulder is illegal. Driving faster than someone in a lane that is to the right of them is absolutely legal.

Here’s a friendly reminder to all the morons who are too stupid to figure this out: if someone is tailgating you, you almost always have the option of pulling over onto the shoulder to let them pass you.

No, I’m tailgating you because you’re blocking traffic. You should have seen me approaching your rear at least a good 5-10 seconds before I got anywhere near you, at which point you had plenty of time to get over into the lane to your right that has a nice little slot for you to fit into, with nothing but traffic

His nose is literally a penis.

One group is die hard that somehow things exist for no reason, and the other is claiming the reason is because God created it.