
What idiots like Huff don’t realize is that the argument isn’t whether or not evolution occurs, we know it occurs because we have observed it in nature. The entire debate around evolution is HOW it occurs, which is what the theory attempts to explain. Evolution is a fact, get over it.

Edit: Never mind.

Normally I watch every football game I can, regardless of the teams. I don’t mind Thursday Night Football, but I find myself skipping entire Sundays this year, not only because of all the incessant babbling about protests, but also because the games I have watched have mostly sucked this year.

3. Little Caesar’s

You’re also changing the size and shape of any quench areas and possibly affecting both the location and uniformity of the air-fuel mixture.

Wrong, the engine that came in the Type R is the K20A. It is, in fact, a different engine than the K20A2.

Even Star Fox 2 will still be affected by the nostalgia bias because a lot of us played and loved the original Star Fox. I know that I’m super hyped to play it because I loved the first one, and the frame rate and graphics don’t bother me nearly as much because of that.

The same idiots who are burning all of this NFL stuff are the same idiots who gave the NFL more money by buying up Villanueva jerseys and the same idiots who will be re-buying all the shit they burned within a year or two after they forget about all of this national anthem stuff and remember how much they used to love

I hope everyone realizes what he’s doing here. By going after an easy target (attacking the NFL players for kneeling and siding with redneck morons who love football almost as much as they love nationalistic nonsense, of which there are lots of), he’s gaining back a lot of favor because the people who side with him on

Yeah, gotta love that paid patriotism.

Is America great again yet?

You clearly don’t comprehend how the government was intended to work.

If you’ve ever listened to sports talk radio, you’d known that people still complain about this on a regular basis.

Ha ha, that’s a pretty good one.

I can say for sure. Engine braking uses no fuel. Why would it? Why would you possibly need to inject fuel into a cylinder that is not combusting?

Most cars aren’t using any fuel under engine braking because there’s no reason to inject fuel into a cylinder that doesn’t need to be combusting. Idling (coasting in neutral) uses some fuel to keep the engine running.

Can’t help but feel that everyone involved here is a bit of an idiot.

I like how the cop immediately claims to detect an odor despite the fact that he clearly wasn’t drinking.

I agree, Tesla has shown time and time again that cars are only part of their business plan. The use of precious metals and difficulty of recycling has always soured me on things like electric cars and hybrids, but if they can solve that problem, then that’s great.