
there seems to me significant enough of visible shadow beneath his fingers to suggest he may not *actually* be touching the plate when the mitt first grazes his jersey. not an outrageous replay review at least.

I did, that’s the entire point, dipshit.

Hey, I know this isn’t in Deadspin’s wheelhouse or anything, but there were sports this evening.

I am all for the government taking measures to tax the rich and fund the poor and generally strike blows against the excesses of our system of capitalism.

I almost put quotes around “houses” in my comment, because yeah, they barely qualify as houses and probably aren’t in livable condition (though I wouldn’t be surprised to find someone living in some of them). Houses under $7k, seriously. Last time I checked (several years ago), property tax was like $12k for one of

I was equally confused when I first read it, as I’ve never heard of someone call an Audi 4000 a 4k, but then again, I’m not an Audi guy. No idea why anyone is jumping on you for that mistake, some people are just dickheads I guess.

This is so true. There are houses you can buy for less than a year’s worth of property tax.

He’s saying “that 4k,” the 4000 in question here. Less than $25k.

Let’s have a gander at that monster:

An “honest mistake?” You don’t know what a storm drain is? Nobody on the bus thought it might be a bad idea to dump raw sewage into a storm drain? It’s not a sewer, it’s a storm drain...

I thought it was because you didn’t want us dripping blood all over the damn floor.

You’re making excuses for yourself when you preach RTFM.

Cars have a set of standardized controls for the last 50 years. Now this car has 2 or 3 different ways to engage park.

I enjoyed the first Shadow Warrior (the remake, I mean) quite a bit, so I think I’ll buy this to support them, especially since it sounds like it’s a pretty damn good game.

Here’s an idea: Make the car good enough to avoid being in a deathly situation in the first place.

Yeah, adjusting the brake bias would just lessen the braking power up front, which would increase stopping distances.

I think it’s pretty awesome.

You could give a shit? So you care?

Stories. Seriously, games today are way too complicated and take forever to get into. I know, this makes me sound like an old fart, and don’t get me wrong, every so often I’ll pick up a game, get sucked into a great story, and play it for several hours straight, several days in a row, until I get at least somewhat

Yeah, it definitely needs more green.