
The more of his writing that I read, the less I like it.

Your articles are consistently piss-poor.

Should be. But won’t. When’s the last time Toyota used a straight-six?

The funny thing is that this would be a truly desirable car today, had it been produced in any numbers.

i don’t. i text at stoplights.

375 hp and 470 lb-ft of torque.

375 hp and 470 lb-ft of torque.

I don’t have too much problem with his handling of the bullpen, but I think despite is recent good starts (or maybe because of them?), you treat him as a starter. In a long extra-inning game, a starter is sometimes brought in near the end of the game to give you one more arm before you throw in a position player (if

That looks really good. I like it a lot, much better than I expected.

You can’t have a grown man shaking his ass on national television! Think of the children! All of the children watching one of the most violent sports on television.

I’m saying that the autotune was still on when he was announcing his family emergency. At least it sounds like it was.

Is it me, or was that totally autotuned?

I don’t watch Game of Thrones and yet I’ve been exposed to a bunch of it. And the only character name I know is “Hodor” (whatever that is).

I’m sorry, what? Was this meant to be a coherent comment?

This is just a side note, but you can tell from the gif that the flag was thrown for the toss, not the taunt after. Ref was already going to pull the flag out before he did it and probably didn’t even see what Cam was doing.

It’s possible to restrict speech and not become Russia.

We have some laws already in place against certain types of speech. We don’t need anymore specifically targeting “hate speech”.

I , personally, don’t think hate speech should kick in until the speech is inciting violence against people, eg“we need to go kill all the politicians”

There are already limits on “free” speech.