
What, why? Why are you “glad” about “all of this PS4 Pro stuff?” What does that even mean?

No, this is not “the internet’s” reaction to the PS4 Pro, it’s dumbasses’ reactions to the PS4 Pro.

Whatever floats your boat.

Whatever floats your boat.



McLaren’s CEO confirmed that it will use a development of the company’s much-loved twin-turbo V8 at the last Geneva Motor Show.

Running a game at 4k resolution is actually a much smaller hit to performance than most people think.

It makes sense, from a developer perspective, to charge a small fee for a patch that requires additional work. I do think it’s kind of BS that Sony would charge for any of their first-party titles, though. I mean, unless they really don’t care about moving the new hardware, you’d think they’d want to incentivize the

I think they wanted to avoid the perception that 4K is the only upgrade the new console provides.

PLEASE NOTE - NYST (The NY ST Club) does not condone or approve of this reckless behavior on public roadways. The offending person was immediately booted from our club. We practice safety on the road during our cruises, and actions such as this will be dealt with with ZERO TOLERANCE.

Sure you do.

Wait, how do they explain the changes in vehicle bodies for characters like Bumblebee?

If he can meet the standard, he can be on the road.

The dude flew airplanes against the Luftwaffe. Therefore, he has balls of steel and is entitled to his Mustang.

Autocross has nothing to do with operating a car around other vehicles.

One of the reasons that you’re an asshole is because you can’t be bothered to comprehend what other people are saying.

It’s obvious that the vast majority of people responding don’t understand that, YES, in reality, your age DOES in fact play a factor in how good a driver you are, regardless of how often your great grandfather drives 1000 ft down the road for groceries without consequence, and that YES, old people ARE in fact a danger

On one hand, I think that Colin Kaepernick has a point. And on another hand, I think he’s been a bit clumsy in his attempt to make his point.

I own it both on Steam and PS4. Buy it now. It’s worth it even after all this time, even though the “remastered” version isn’t THAT much better (you’ve already played it, so you know it’s worth it just to play it again, so buy it).

Absolutely none of these things are “incredible.” I think you need to familiarize yourself with the word.

This is why I hate these discussions of stuff like Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the national anthem.