I don’t think you understand how people get into car accidents.
I don’t think you understand how people get into car accidents.
Torch does write a lot of the higher-quality stuff on Jalopnik. I find myself actually reading more complete articles of his than other writers. He covers a lot of interesting topics that sometimes don’t have anything to do with cars.
unless there’s some sort of “barely sentient Chevy pickup to English” setting on my tv I’m unaware of.
Prevent auto accidents by not crashing!
Those are miniature Yorkies, and they’re annoying as fuck.
I hope to hell that the production interior looks nothing like that, because that is freaking terrible.
So what exactly does IAmAuto do? I mean, the DeLorean was built by those West Coast Custom hacks, right? So he just comes up with the designs? I mean, do people, like, pay him money to come up with ugly car designs for someone else to build? I just don’t understand how this “car customization company” thing works in…
I get the appeal of “Play the Moment” but that just means instead of playing 60 minutes of football, you play, what, 5? If that? The average game of football consists of less than 12 minutes of play, and that’s the ENTIRE game.
Wear black everything every player every game, like they did in Mexico City. Socks, arm bands, shoulder pads, cleats.
The E85 Z4 is still a great looking car. I didn’t realize they changed it so much when they refreshed it (not really a fan of the E89).
As far as weird car mods go, I don’t actually hate this. But that price is way CP.
I actually thought the video was done well and I have to at least give this guy some credit for admitting that he was ignorant. He “doesn’t drive much,” maybe that’s an excuse? But if not driving much means that you don’t know basic driving rules, like keeping right, then clearly you shouldn’t be allowed to keep your…
Who knew?
I can’t afford games either but thats life. Having downloaded a game over 10 years ago I felt bad about it and eventually removed it. To you its a free game, but to smaller companies who need the money its food on their table.
Right. Personally, I think it’s “displacement” in the classical sense is could be called 1.3L, but when comparing it to a piston engine and its calculation for displacement, it equates to 2.6L. (Or in other words, the fact that the rotary gets a combustion event out of one crank rotation instead of two just means that…
None of that has anything to do with the Chevy Suburban. What a terrible counterargument!
“Nor would I want to own a boat”
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here. Displacement of a piston engine is calculated over two full crank rotations because that’s how many rotations it takes to create a single combustion event. If you did the same with a rotary, you’d have two combustion events per rotor face.
Actually, the reason why the rotary has the same power as a 2.6L piston engine is because it has twice the power density. For any given cylinder to achieve combustion, two full crank rotations are required. For a rotary, a given rotor face produces a combustion event over a single eccentric shaft rotation. So the…
Rotary engines are not light. They are compact, but they’re not light.