
How does this truck get fixed in 2043 when its computer dies?

The first time I heard about this story, it was described as an image, and I was like “What the fuck?” Then today I saw this drawing, and I was like “OH, it’s a drawing, I thought it was an actual picture or something.” I mean, yeah, it’s not appropriate whatsoever, but there’s a stark difference between a drawing

Money can be exchanged for goods and services!

Got it.

the DH sucks.

You forgot the big one: don’t play Pokemon Go.

Considering they’ve given them away before, and will likely have to again just to get people to use them, it doesn’t make much sense to pay for them.

Considering they’ve given them away before, and will likely have to again just to get people to use them, it doesn’t

Real nutjobs use Altavista. Noobs.

I wonder which search engine he used to look up “How to make a Molotov Cocktail”?

If you think it’s possible to avoid ALL accidents based on braking technique then you truly are a fucking moron.

Your inability to understand how a basic comment system works is your problem.

Alissa Walker hot take: “Human-controlled bicycles are NOT safe, and it’s clear that the ONLY safe bicycle is a FULLY-AUTONOMOUS bicycle! BAN ALL BICYCLES! EVERYONE EVERYWHERE SHOULD BE WALKING TO WORK!”

it is, in fact, possible to both avoid hitting the person in front of you as well as giving the person behind you enough time to avoid hitting you.

Tips to avoid frontal collisions, use your brake regardless of who is behind you because a banged up 2 year old is better than a dead 2 year old.

you’re just making a sensationalistic argument about something that I wasn’t even disagreeing with (I never said getting rear ended was worse or equal to frontal collisions).

This guy is not interested in facts or logic, he just wants to yell at people and call them idiots for being smart enough to know how to drive a car properly. But thanks for posting the links anyway, more people need to read stuff like that.

Than not? You are ASSuming that by avoiding your rear you are automatically avoiding your front. That is a ridiculous argument.

In a situation like the one above, the first priority is avoiding the accident in front of you, not worrying about what happens behind you.

I know that, I even stated it in my original comment.

The possibility of them hitting you does NOT prevent you from slowing down. Them hitting you is THEM causing their own accident.