
Obviously you’ve never been rear-ended under heavy braking.

Autopilot needs to learn how to get the fuck out of the left lane.

This is why you don’t rely on silly safety features to control the car for you. The primary reason I’m against all of these new safety features is not because they don’t work, but because they create a false sense of security for the average driver, who assumes they work perfectly. I’m not saying that’s the case with

But pools have the benefit of making you healthier, thus increasing your life span. A gun it’s just for killing things.

The running back played 16 games over two seasons for the Indianapolis Colts before being waved back in December.

I never had a problem with the styling of the old Panamera, and often defended it, but my god, that is one fucking beautiful car. It looks SOOOO much better, sexy from every angle. It’s been a while since I felt this way about a new Porsche, and it’s a PANAMERA??? WHAAA?!?!

The 3L swap is “well-documented,” but unfortunately that documentation is filled with bullshit by people who don’t know what they’re doing and have no accurate way of testing results. I’d rather put some cams in and keep the bottom end stock.

It’s probably worth the money if it’s completely stock and in perfect condition, but this one is far from that. The 3.0L swap, in particular, is a red flag. Bigger is not always better, especially in the Duratec world.

Crotchety old bastards like myself still remember a time when it was obvious you were driving without lights, because before DRLs you couldn’t see shit out the window, and before LCD instruments, your dashboard was as dark and quiet as a hibernating bear’s armpit unless you actually turned your lights on.

Oh, you mean leadership like getting to work an office job instead of actually being deployed. No wonder you’re speeding around the island like an idiot.

This video is a fake. Rob Riggle is not fucking 80 years old, Jesus Christ!

I’ll put money on there being some sort of line lock on the front wheels so that he can lock one front tire and get it to donut like that safely enough to get out if it.

Three years wasn’t long enough?

I’m not a gun owner, but I’d like to point out the obvious stupidity of all the people sarcastically calling her a “responsible” gun owner. Because responsible gun owners don’t actually shoot family members. More than likely, she was just a nutcase.

Sounds like it might be time for a facebook friend purge.

This is not a bad idea. And if GM could somehow make the MR and FR cars look somewhat similar, they might have a pretty good idea on their hands, where the FR cars are the everyman’s Corvette (what does a base Corvette start at these days, $60k? Relatively attainable and great performance per dollar) while the MR

I especially love it considering the cars missing the engines were Honda products.

I never saw any speed traps, nor did I ever see the need to speed (and I speed all the time), primarily because of both traffic and the beautiful scenery.

I was stationed on Guam for three years about a decade ago. You definitely want to be driving something like a Jeep, because every stretch of road is littered with dirt paths that you can drive off of and go right into the mountains in the middle of the island (the mountains are the reason why the roads go around the

...including all-time best iteration of a game about cartoon characters lobbing turtle shells at each other from go-karts.