
it steers itself in the middle of the lane on boring freeway stretches

At that price, it needs to have at least a manual transmission.

Whatever. Go get a real job.

Your comment is embarrassing. Clearly you’ve never served in the military.

Using a reversible motor along the turbine shaft instead of a wastegate is pretty freaking smart.

Superchargers having no lag is a myth; they have to spin faster just like turbos do to flow more air. The difference is that the lag is linear, and therefore less noticeable.

You blame the white car, even though both cars are driving side-by-side for well over 10 seconds? If the car next to you starts to speed up, YOU PUSH THE FUCKING GAS PEDAL. There’s literally no excuse for blocking traffic. Either you pass the fucking car, or you move over into the lane you’re supposed to be in.

If you think he’s in the bullpen designing batteries or shuttle landing control algorithms, you’re sorely sorely mistaken.

My point is that the Z, in the video, is clearly NOT trying to pass anyone, and shouldn’t have been in that lane if he wasn’t. Either pass the dude, or move over. Driving next to someone blocking traffic is an idiotic, asshole thing to do (especially if you’re doing it on purpose).

And, you don’t lay on the lights. You do two shots of light. Like when stuck behind the ass hole texting at a light. Two pops of the horn.

Some people think that just because they’re doing the speed limit, they have the right to ignore the law which states that slower traffic needs to keep right and they can just block everyone else who wants to go faster than them. They think they’re doing some sort of noble public service by enforcing the speed limit.

What, you’re not familiar with Jimbo Jones and his particular brand of witty insults?

Sorry, but your logic is faulty.

Why is the comma within the quotation marks?

It’s pretty clear that you, and many other writers, have no grasp of the technology that is being discussed here.

I don’t have a problem with mild, subtle redesigns if the design you currently have is really good. And for a while, that’s how I felt about Audi. But I do have a problem when your mild, subtle redesign is a step in the wrong direction, and that’s how I feel about a lot of their recent stuff.

The Orioles apparently got nice and motivated after the scuffle and immediately hit back-to-back dingers.

Truck driver is an asshole, no doubt, but why the hell does it take someone 30 seconds to pass a car? That’s not passing, that’s blocking traffic.

I would also love a Ford Indigo:

The ‘99 Charger concept is a favorite of mine, but I like the Mercury MC4 even better.