
Musk has done none of those things. Engineers hired by his companies did.

I suppose you could correct the commenters GRAMMAR if you wanted, but that would make you kind of petty, wouldn’t it?

Very clever. Did you write that or did you get it from somewhere?

Yeah, “my a fanboy,” you fucking idiot.

You didn’t answer the questions.

I’m glad you at least understand that much.

If you disagree that Musk lies you should Google it...

Hi, fucker. You fail at reading comprehension. Let me demonstrate.

The quoted phrase was: “Elon Musk says A Lot Of Things that are all lies...”

Hi, ass-butt. I can guarantee you that Elon Musk is much, much smarter than you. I say this because I am obviously much, much smarter than you and I’m nowhere near Musk on the scale of success. Not that everyone who is successful at what they do is smart, but everyone who does what he does and is successful at it is

Elon Musk says A Lot Of Things that are all lies

What do businesses have to do with the failure of Social Security?

Well, I guess the elderly person’s mechanic never bothered to tell them that. Hence the problem with these cars.

I freely admit it. I had to edit this lengthy response down a ton just to make it “shorter.” As if the comment was short!


I know everyone has their own opinions, and some of the other cars are great and all, but the F40 is probably the greatest of the F cars. The F50 in comparison is ugly (a little gaudy and overstyled, in my opinion), and the V12 powerplant, while surely great, just isn’t nearly as cool as the twin-turbo V8.

The 924S actually has a faster top speed than the 944 with the same engine, thanks to its sleeker profile and better drag coefficient. The negatives: you get the pre-1985.5 dash (despite the fact that these are ‘87/’88 models), which looks pretty ugly in comparison to the 1985.5 dash, and the 924 body just doesn’t

It was regularly maintained by the elderly person who owned it. The car rusted apart. Do you consider rust repair as part of regular maintenance?

Do you understand how many thousands of names SSA processes EVERY DAY? Obviously not.

Ack, grammar mistake, that should have said “you’re right.”

As I said, “driving” is probably debateable. Impossible to tell without thoroughly inspecting the car. If the steering rack is falling off, it’s not “drivable” even if it technically moves on its own.