
Yeah, you’re Social Security quickly became a mess thanks to how the government misused it.

Right. And this is a ‘96.

there is no requirement that it has anything to do with social security numbers

That’s fine, because I wouldn’t want one anyway.

I had a ‘95 LeSabre that was given to me for free. I had a brake line burst while driving twice, the rear wheel well was completely eaten through by rust, and god help you if you needed to do any suspension or steering maintenance (the bolts on the bottom of the strut were damn near impossible to get free, and mine

The supercharged engine is great and will probably last forever, but those 90's and early-2000 Buicks have a tendency to rust. Being that it was a grand-person’s car (and they all were), its maintenance is in question, which means there’s probably a lot of worn or broken bushings, rusted brake lines, and other

That’s assuming there’s even enough left in Social Security to pay you the amount you’re owed by the time you retire.

I apologize, I think I read into your comment something that wasn’t there. Not sure why but I thought you were saying that Dinan had made a chip that wasn’t effective, as an example of a shop selling gimmick products that don’t work or something. I’m not really sure what I was thinking, actually...

youre confusing my statements.

There’s a big difference between buying a performance chip that doesn’t really do much, and handing a fat stack of cash over to someone who does nothing with your money for years other than use it to finish other customers’ builds.

For a long time it truly did seem like he had corrected his (admitted) mistakes from the early 2000s.

why should we believe his claim that JH owes him money?

then why should we believe he is even owed 70k in the first place?

if he is being disingenuous about discrepancy I raised, perhaps that means he is being disingenuous about other things.

So no real issues in decades as far as ‘general business practice issues’ save one guy from a foreign country

I would love to see a new 8-series, although I doubt the styling of a new one will be anywhere near as good as the original.

Also, I wanted to say that you consistently provide some of the best writing on Jalopnik, Jason. Your articles often have a good deal of research behind them, and that’s what I like best about them. Keep up the good work and thanks for writing this article.

But three years later, he is still fighting Hennessey Performance Engineering for more than $70,000 of a refund for a car he said he never got.

Doesn’t sound much worse than the old show.

Looks really nice on the outside, but that price is just ridiculous. Especially since it’s still the 1.6L. They could have (and should have) at least dropped the 1.8L into it before adding the turbo.