
I knew JVG played college ball, but I always assumed Stan was not athletically gifted. A quick look at his Wikipedia page confirms he was indeed a college baller.

Tony Zhou is where it’s at.

On the subject of ESPN Super Bowl predictions, yesterday, Mike Wilbon made the most bitch-ass pick I’ve ever heard.

You’re probably right, but at least this kid’s peak will have been higher than most of ours.

Wow. That’s the last thing expected.

“Me too.”

I had to google it, but I guess the standard reply is “BOFA these nuts in your mouth.”

Is that Gallagher?!?

Shit. After the bear attacked Leo in The Revenant, I put all my money on the Lions.

A-Rod is probably not a fair example since baseball is only nominally a team sport.


Your comment history is amazing. I encourage everybody to give it a look.

And you’ve just added another level of carelessness by accusing me of “not double checking whether they had fixed the article,” despite my original comment (“your post about Calvin Johnson featured a photo of Glover Quinn before you swapped it.”) making it clear I knew he had done exactly that. What I didn’t see was

Regardless of which it is (BTW, I’m lazy and dumb), you’re missing the point since I don’t care whether Burke acknowledged his error or not.

Here are two options:

Glad he eventually acknowledged it. I’m not in the habit of reading articles twice and that note wasn’t there on my first pass.

“Look at these rubes missing the joke” loses some punch when, the next day, your post about Calvin Johnson featured a photo of Glover Quinn before you swapped it without acknowledgment.

Fair enough. Like I said, I don’t know how agent fee structure works.

Manziel is owed guaranteed money for the next two years.

You’re right about that, but that wasn’t the point Ley was making.