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    Why is the outside of the Tardis shiny?

    I’m about to jump to Hoth, I’m welcome to take you.

    I think the “exact opposite reason” would be buying a men’s product because it’s more expensive... I’m looking at you... *um* oh wait. This doesn’t apply because of sexism! Sorry, carry on.

    And Superman’s campaign slogan is “Make America Great Again”

    The LEGOs are going to stay on the table for all of 5 minutes before I end up stepping on one.

    at 0:20, is that Wayne Manner in ashes?

    Oh yeah! They’re all over. But generally it’s just a store connected to another gas station (like a Shell or BP).


    Now all I need is an AI agent to automatically retweet/repost any contest. Muahahahahaha!

    My dad took his gun bag as a carry on and accidentally left a magazine in it. TSA confiscated it, but waved him on. Privileges of being a white male.

    Right, but if I DID put $2 in a Netflix savings fund, that would negate the discount. Then USING the savings fund would really just “shift” the discount to the next to years. The discount doesn’t magically extend to 4 years.

    Am I the only one who was glad that Microsoft bought Skype?

    I fail to see how saving $48 dollars covers the extra cost of the subscription for another two years...

    • Stan Lee

    Wear a shirt!

    I have $30K and my wife has $8k. Can we refinance them together into one payment? Should we?

    Cook 4 dishes from a different country each month.

    Longest... infographic... ever...

    Kylo Ren isn’t a Sith.