
Most lawn mowers have a mulch option. Just use that. The cut is finer, but it keeps everything enclosed.

The InstaPot Pressure Cooker

The InstaPot Pressure Cooker

Scrubs as well.

“All right, so we’re going to do The BFG to show off this amazing new mo-cap performance, The Jungle Book to show off amazing new animal fur texture designs, and Tarzan because I saw Skarsgård in the gym locker room and he’s just magnificent.” - Studio Execs, probably.

Hulu, Netflix, anything. My local cable service no longer carries AMC after some kind of dispute between them. I can still catch up to Game of Thrones, but I have zero opportunities to watch AMC shows anymore.

Well, if they offer it next day on Hulu, I might just get on board. I do really want to watch it, though.

Isn’t it filed under polymer and not liquid then?

Everytime I hear about Steppenwolf, I just wanna start singing BOOOOOORN TO BE WIIIIIIIILD

If I could flip it and use it like a tablet, sure. As long as it costs like a tablet. If I can get a decent Windows laptop for a similar costs I don’t see the reason to accept the limitations of a Chrome Book.

Maybe the real Bigfoot is the friends we made along the way...

OK, how about “Having traits which indicate some underlying factor(s) which predispose to addiction” personality?

I’m fully aware of everything in this article. I however, still choose to shower every day because despite commonly held belief, I am not in fact a goddamn savage.

I wonder which we’ll see first: the Half-Life movie or Half-Life 3

I mean, yeah, it looks like a forest.

As a Gulf Coast native, I hear you, but honestly, if you want to see really bad mosquito swarms, head up to Alaska or northern Canada in the summer. You literally cannot venture outside unless you’ve bathed in DEET and/or you’re in a mosquito hood.

To be fair, my kid cleans up after himself. I’ve worked long and hard on it with him. But even the author of the DIY article references the occasional lost piece found scattered around. There is a reason for this. It’s impossible for a child to keep track of every piece they use and make sure it returns to the storage

Legos belong on the floor and randomly buried in the backyard with GI-Joe parts that the dog chewed off after their fort took heavy shelling.


Have you a better theory to explain the double slit experiment? Or particle entanglement? Don’t write off quantum theory just because it sounds weird.