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    I find this website... Soso.

    Parable on race relations with robots.

    In my experience the mobile apps already have trouble syncing. However, since they work over Dropbox, the old apps should work as long as your phone supports them.

    I have to say, this is DEFINITELY not just an upgrade. It is a total overhaul of how YNAB works. Lifehacker should cover the differences.

    Are there any outlets which handle quick charge a la S6?

    Are there any outlets which handle quick charge a la S6?

    I have this same model. It’s a BEAST!

    I have this same model. It’s a BEAST!

    Oh my gosh... Why did you show me this? Not only do I have to refold ALL my clothes, but now I have another book to read. Dang it Lifehacker!

    That only applies to governments and prostitutes. We are talking about FOOD here!

    Make sure ALL the ingredients are cold when you start and mix it in a food processor. Pie crust is all about inhibiting gluten formation, which is why vodka works so well.

    Careful. Memories aren’t read-only. Remembering an event will inevitably CHANGE your memory of that event.


    Better yet, install a motion sensor and automatically turn the screen on/off as required.

    Try wallpaper, paint, wallpaper, paint, paint, wallpaper, wallpaper, paint, all on the ceiling.

    Just as long as you don’t paint over wallpaper or put wallpaper on the gosh darn ceiling! I HATE YOU CEILING WALLPAPER!


    Three hole punch Jim.

    I was literally thinking the exact same thing! Organic diced tomatoes for CHEAP. I love me some Costco. Can Lifehacker do an article on the Amex/Visa Costco switch and help us navigate that change... please!

    Programming. MS will be in Artificial Intelligence.

    Just turned 24 and am lucky to be making $75k. That said, I have a wife, a house, and 4 kids. That means $100k in debt. With modest living we will be debt free in 10 years while consistently saving.