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    The numbers on this article are SO high. $420 a month on eating out! If I trimmed the exact same things he did, I would save $200 a month, not $925.

    Does it charge with USB-C?

    9 shoes a season? That’s 36 shoes! Ain’t nobody got TIME for that!

    I thought Alton Brown had demonstrated pretty clearly that this was a myth.

    Could NOT be more timely.

    We have a YNAB category for “Rainy Day Funds -> Christmas”

    Please tell me you have a picture of this!

    Make sure to get the long-handled variant!

    Make sure to get the long-handled variant!

    What, your finger broke? Let’s go ahead and use this rubber band to cut off circulation!

    I would say definitely look out for hiring managers with blood on their hands.

    So... if he spent a year trying to be productive... with what was he being productive?

    Counter. Check what you’re buying and you’re good. Rice and beans are a great meal if you combine it with a good fruit and vegetable.

    I don’t spend $438 dollars on AC to save! What energy inefficient AC unit are you using?

    I’d like to point out that many canned goods are in the middle and are a great deal. In addition, the outside often includes meat, dairy, alcohol, and bakery. All of these can be high-price.

    Given roughly 37K grocery stores in the US, and an average of 50 aisles per store. 229/37,000 * 1/50 ~= 0.000123784.

    My policy... “Never loan money which you expect to see back.”

    What’s more eco friendly? Aluminum foil or plastic wrap?

    Looks like a log in Minecraft

    My 9yo is quite the gourmet. She regularly helps make foods and can pick out half of a spice in a soup.

    Eric, I’ve got a tip which could really be a whole post. Pressing “Windows+Pause Break” (it’s up there next to scroll lock) opens the “System” Window. It’s much faster than Right-clicking on Computer. No one I’ve shown it to has known about it.