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    There are lots of studies which show that kids who pay their own way through college are more successful in life. Did you consider only subsidizing a portion of their expenses?

    At first I thought “Ruby” was the programming language. I was REALLY confused.

    I wouldn’t trust gogo as far I could throw them. They are well known for shady business practices.

    How much does it cost to run one of these? At the most I pay $30/month for AC.

    On the other hand, I make $75K and live in a house I bought at $40K and is now worth $75K. I’m gonna pay that sucker off long before everyone else. :-)

    How does a negative push-up work? Am I just continually lowering myself?

    Did they improve changing the depth of lists? That’s unnecessarily complicated.

    In other words..

    I have had reliability issues with the cree bulbs. They seem to fail fast.

    Looks like the 70s.

    That’s not a magical fix-all though. It’s just masking the symptoms while dairy kills your stomach.

    Screw you lactose-tolerant peoples!

    But if you drink in the morning they call you a boozer!



    I taught my friend that word years ago. He was just moving a buddy and suggested they “defenestrate” a mattress from the third floor. He was super pumped to use it IRL. I bet Eric was too. Or maybe it’s a game they are playing right meow.

    No offense, by how wide are you? I look like I’m wearing a trash bag with an XL.

    No offense, by how wide are you? I look like I’m wearing a trash bag with an XL.

    Does anyone have recommendations for tall sizes? I’m an LT and neither of these come in that size. So disappointing.

    Does anyone have recommendations for tall sizes? I’m an LT and neither of these come in that size. So disappointing.

    This is done so you can use wifi on planes.

    This is the only thing which doesn’t cause irritation for me.

    This is the only thing which doesn’t cause irritation for me.

    Isn’t that what shuffle is for?