
I started to feel sorry for him and then I remembered how much he is harassing the mother of his child and then I didn't feel quite as bad. It was still utterly inappropriate on the part of the reporter, but...well, he's a dick so I find it hard to get worked up on his behalf.

How about badgering him for his ridiculous MRA beliefs and his ludicrous lawsuit asserting his right to block his baby mama from making a career move to New York?

I second the rec for The Mindy Project.

Hey Mama hits me like a train every, single, time. Its like a 5 minute heart break. And I know it was originally a happy song but.... gaahhhh.

I think his mom should get most of the credit for 808s and Heartbreak.

Why? Why, why, why Jezebel? Do you WANT creepsters tracking these people down because of the drama in their family? Do you want every acquaintance who hadn't thought twice about the name to suddenly broach the topic of their parents' drama and sister's molestation? What the heck was the point of doing this?

So he is exactly like Christian Grey, except not. Ok then.

Don't worry; the judges will give her the bronze even if she finishes fourth.

Mark, this is a wonderful essay, and I'm glad someone wrote it. I especially appreciate your last paragraph. My sister died from her addictions a few months ago, and while I'm glad to see the increased conversation about addiction and relapse (though could really do without some of the harsh and judgmental comments

Actually, I'ma let you finish.

Good essay.

For context, these are the dogs she was going to burn to death:

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Lena Dunham, but she's 100% correct. Dylan Farrow was incredibly brave to come out and say what she did. Most victims never speak up, especially when the person who assaulted them is so powerful. It's Roman Polanski all over again.

Miranda July, Carmen Esposito and Samm Levine: Nailed it.

"Wait wait wait. Is that really how you run your editorial meetings? "I'd like to read something about Gwyneth Paltrow"? First of all: That's not a story idea. That's not a pitch. There's no narrative there."

Oh please. That's exactly how Jezebel/Gawker and tabloids run their editorial meetings. You write about vapid

Ugh, I got so mad at that interview this morning. It was a load of bullshit.

Oh. His attorney issued a statement? How fucking brave.

Honestly Barbara, who fucking cares if Woody Allen is a good father to his current kids? And obviously, how you personally see him act around his kids might not be the way things go down behind closed doors. So incredibly insensitive to say something like that.

Jesus fucking Christ, Stephen King, really? Fucking really?