
Thank you for pointing out some of the problems with how this is being discussed, and for trying to assert some much-need boundaries on this issue. But I don't see why "Woody Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn" is irrelevant. I'm a social worker and a big part of my job is working with abused children and their

I disagree; Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn is relevant. It shows he is willing to break a constellation of taboos and is genuinely bewildered that anyone has a problem with it. In other words, he puts his own wants before any norms of behavior and ahead of other people's feelings.

when you marry your adopted daughter - you don't get to make any defense of improper father-child relationship/touching/molesting/ etc...

I think his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn could be argued as relevant. Another adopted child from the household, much younger than him.... come on.

That Daily Beast article was so slut-shamey and victim-blamey that any relevant or important information it might have included is lost on me. I had no opinion before (mostly because I, as a random person who has no insider information, don't really have a right to weigh in and I don't get why everyone thinks they do)

I believe Dylan. I don't think sex abuse victims make this shit up. I don't really trust Mia Farrow though...

Produced August: Osage County and was the supporting actor in Gravity. I get what you're saying, though.

Exactly. There was more Motown than Elvis in that performance tbh, which is why my very Black grandma was enjoying the shit out of his performance. People don't really like "old school" music. They just like to say that they do. That was some old school showmanship Bruno put on and I was very proud of the fellow

My boyfriend is talented you guys.

My sister wasn't able to conquer her addictions either. But I wouldn't call her "stupid." I'd call her beautiful, artistic, kind, funny, deeply troubled, incredibly sad, and gone tragically early.

Didn't Jezebel just have an article about Kristin Bell and Dax Sheppard calling for a boycott of publications that run pictures of celebrity kids? This boy just lost his father, let's not put his picture all over the internet.

Gif party? I think yes.

Amber, girl. This beats cleavage, side-boob and Spanx® any day. Hat keeps your head warm and is stylish. Scarf keeps your neck warm and looks fashionable. Everything else pretty much looks like it was a no-brainer. You rock this look from head-to-toe. You know why? Because you're comfortable and dressed appropriately

I love everything about this outfit. She looks absolutely stunning!

i would look like this in that outfit.

THIS is what happens when you name your child Chester, Tom. I hope you're happy.