Scratch n sniff it

‘despite being given copious assistance and a golden opportunity by the US’

If you want more murica, airforce one needs a bomb bay and some underwing hard points so it can drop a string of 500lb iron bombs on final approach to wherever it’s going, allied nation or not, now that would make a statement that murica is here, that we care and spread some freedom

Hmm I wonder why they invited the soviets and their nukes? Maybe they had an aggressive neighbour who threatened their existence,

Maybe no one else took a photo of it because they saw it from the rear and realised it was something everyday like a piece of a production line being moved, we can only see it from one angle, who’’s to say the rear is uncovered or shaped in a way that makes it clear that it’s not a plane?

Well played Putin

Pakistan is the culprit not Iran, Pakistan has long been trading nuclear weapons knowledge for ballistic missile knowledge for decades with the best korea

I’ve read plans from the 50's where the use of tactical nukes by the Warsaw pact would be responded to by the a similar limited use of tactical nukes from national, title for tat to reduce all out escalation

Yes protect america.....because Al Shabaab is a grave threat to america, because ‘intelligence’ said so and we always accept what ‘intelligence’ says because they are always right, like how they have prevented 9/11, found wmd’s in Iraq, knew that the taliban had no support and would disolve after the 2001 invasion,

FYI every plane in the US inventory post ww2 has been hated on during its development and on through its early service life because it takes that long to iron out the kinks and that long for the pilots, ground crew and basement dwelling ‘experts’ to get their heads around what it is that this plane was actually built

Erm....I think youre misunderstanding where China building is their islands, they’re building in international waters, a place where no country has the right to stop another country from doing what they are doing by force, it could only be done through the courts if a relevant treaty existed however there is no treaty

Yup....f35 pilot targets enemy plane, goes to fire aam, but when he selects firing menu he gets his field of view spammed by Russian dating sites and gets advised that his f35s hard drive is full and that if he clicks here he can get it scanned and optimised for free.....

Lol cool flyby, as a spectator you could not get any closer to the action than having a propellor cleave you in 2, what movie is that?

Yes look at what the Japanese in ww2 suffered under their ‘god’ hirohito, it didnt matter how bad it got, they stuck with him. Regarding the best korea I suspect that the UN will want to work with Kim to get his people to play along like the allies did with hirohito at the end of ww2, could save a bloodbath north of

Yeah what a ‘moron’ for posting some grate plane porn, when he should be posting 3 word replies that are not an opinion on the article it was posted in or otherwise cannot be enjoyed by any reader reading this article which is a military article so yes plane porn is likely to be enjoyed by readers of this article

Or maybe China is expanding its military because it is fearful of American aggression? number of countries the us has bombed since ww2 = 34, number of countries China has bombed since ww2 = 3

That’s an old and apparently eroneous assessment, there is a much more recent analysis that indicates that the best Korea would not get anywhere near that number of rounds per minute and that the total casualties would number 10,000 to 15,000 before the best Korea loses its ability to strike southern territory


Well.....keeping a large group of people locked up in what essentially is a refugee camp is not a solution and will only breed further violence and resentment so the ball is in Israels court, Israel has to concede and release it’s grip on the Palestinians for there to be any chance of peace, otherwise violence will

Some people say were like a cult, the cult of the svp-24, but we’re not, we’re applying for tax exemption next year and we’re building a place of worship too, we’re very friendly, come join us

Doesn’t need a big range because the airfield can just move closer