Because the russkies know its safer to stay on the ground then tangle with these guys
Because the russkies know its safer to stay on the ground then tangle with these guys
Shot traps don’t exist nowadays, a modern projectile will bite at almost any angle
You left out the hard kill aps on the roof, something that hasn’t caught on in murica yet
Their planes fly? Im not so sure, I call out the best korea for some bs photoshop, note the fulcrum is wheels down, could in reality just be on the tarmac, where it always is
I’m not so sure the old saying of quantity has a quality all of its own is true today, nowadays one low cost (low cost for usa and sk) munition can be accurately guided onto a moving target and reliably kill it, so even if you have thousands of rubbish tanks and artillery pieces and no air cover it really will only…
I think your statement about the allies being the strongest ever is incorrect, my understanding was that immediately after ww2 the allies gutted their militaries to reap the peace dividend, long story short, my understanding was that they were actually at their weakest going into this war
The difference is that south Korea will smash them single handedly....the south wasn’t ready, trained, expertly led or equipped last time, now they are and the best Koreas junk won’t make it to the starting line and their starving men will lay down for a bag of rice
Don’t overestimate china’s military, it’s riddled with corruption, the leadership are political appointees with no military training, their military has no practical experience to draw on, their weapons are junk that no one will buy ( except countries that are replacing weapons from the 60's) , need I go on?
I recall in desert storm the navy smoked some oil rigs with their 5 inch guns, I think them Iraqis had turned them into defensive positions? So it took an unusual situation to use them
Woah this thread just turned pronographic......mmmm sexy phantoms
Wouldn’t rate of fire be a factor, I don’t know but couldn’t them rail guns be tuned to go like machine guns, I mean there’s no recoil is there? There’s no waiting for the barrel to return? There’s no smoke to exhaust? I guess you would have to wait for the power to build up for the next shot and how long would that…
‘Evidence’ sounds like emotive bs to me, just how did they follow a whale that far and that deep and see it had bleeding eyes and ears? Some sort of super maneuverable self aware rov? But hey if making up stories helps to protect sea life then I’m for it
Lol, the Saudis in those jets couldn’t go toe to toe with a sopwith camel and a .38 revolver, the Saudi military is a showpiece only, a political force in name only, their force partly exists because the Saudis need protection from the west and to buy that protection they shell out billions for western hardware…
Technical comparisons are fine but they leave out the most important factor and that is pilot skill, US pilots will run rings around Russian pilots all day and then there’s the issue of how well the planes are maintained and I suspect mother Russia might suffer from a poor logistics train
So many tanks!
Erm...doesn’t the USN have scores of hunter killer subs? A swarm of ASW planes? an even bigger swarm of ASW helos? why do you expect every ship to be good at everything? if you want super do it all ships they’ll just end up over sized, way too expensive and they’ll just be doubling up on roles performed by other…
Waltzing matilda, waltzing matilda, who bloody killed, her lying on the grass with a dagger up her arse.....
We will know if this plane is the real deal or not if the Chinese hack the Japanese servers and a clone of it appears next year
Dude, it’s a technology test bed not a production prototype