Something tells me making a bunch of noise in the comment section is going to have a quicker effect than sending an e-mail to
Something tells me making a bunch of noise in the comment section is going to have a quicker effect than sending an e-mail to
I hope Jimmy is taking notes on that sweet feet first dive!
You missed the coolest fact about Sasha - the last ever draft pick of the Seattle Supersonics!!
Great insight, after reading the article I was pretty sure Billy was implying they were a top 10 team.
When I was 11 I was at a week long hockey camp at the University of Maine. My best friend and I realized a couple days in that - cut off from TV (this was 1994) and playing hockey 10 hours a day - no one had any idea of what was going on in the world.
Can we please start including mobile graphics cards in the Kotaku benchmark posts now?
Or, you know, just a regular pandemic that eventually kills off everybody’s blood lines.
I can’t tell if I’m missing a joke or this is the most generic comment of all time.
Lulz, you sound racist and sexist!
Hold the door Tom. Hold the door.
I can’t remember who but there were a couple different relief pitchers for the Red Sox in the mid-aughts who only pitched from the stretch. Must have been a pitching coach thing.
Sorry Tommy, nobody’s sympathizing with the sports writer here who was being a bit smug and then got called out on his bluff.
Dynamite camera work there.
I’m glad Grumpy McGrumperson is here!!
Billy Haisley is Deadspin’s Gregg Easterbrook.
I feel like an idiot because I never knew he was a good guitar player until today, and I liked his stuff too! Just never watched any of his live shows - damn he’s killing it here.
This is way too hawt for Sunday morning!
So many people game on laptops now a days - why are mobile graphics cards never included in these analyses? (Forgive me if I’m mistaken here, but I have a NVIDIA GeForce 840M and I never see any of the M-Series listed in these benchmarks).
Nah, you can’t be listening and talking at the same time - I call BS here. Just because your family does it doesn’t make it right, I travel all over the world for business and yes, there are interrupters everywhere but also good listeners everywhere.
Also, you have to be actually parodying the copyrighted work itself - here they’re parodying their own game and just using the song to accomplish that, but not parodying the song itself.