Aaron, let me just say that you are excellent at your job, but you are woefully out of your depth here.
Aaron, let me just say that you are excellent at your job, but you are woefully out of your depth here.
You know, it was bugging me, so I looked a bit further. I’m maybe out of my depth now too, as I’m not this kind of lawyer or barred in Michigan, but the Michigan legislature amended this whole act in 2016 to remove all the express references to unfair or deceptive.
Will this same fruit loop incentive work for teens (I hear that kids these days don’t really care about getting their licenses)?
Aaron, let me just say that you are excellent at your job, but you are woefully out of your depth here.
I like a lot about this, but could do without the dark gray plastic all over the bottom — seems at odds with the refined interior and the fact that this is leaning more toward the car/sport side of the cross-over gray area. I also don’t know why they couldn’t just give us something with a real backseat as a first…
Reminds me of waiting for a sneeze that never comes.
Note is the right answer. Second best is to do what you did, but then not confess online.
Wow! Had totally forgotten about that! Remember how you could also do it by “Ctrl Alt +”? What a time to have been alive.
I’ll bet you a McHDMI burger that they got this idea from a branding guy who jumped ship from BMW, because nobody but nobody can come up with nonsensical branding like those guys. It was bad enough when they started messing with their the engine displacement part of their model numbers (that Ferrari had done it before…
Nothing to see here.
Somewhere out there, there’s a guy (probably with one of those ridiculously stanced cars) who is thinking you just suggested a carbon fiber exhaust, and he’s nodding his head and saying “yessss!”
I mean, it basically just looks like a standard SUV (which, I’ll grant you, these days are pretty luxurious) with a little Cadillac-specific stitching on the seats and some stainless steel accents in the cupholders, and it costs nearly as much as a Range Rover. This isn’t even as nice inside as the Grand Touring Mazda …
Is it me, or is this thing nowhere close to its price competition?
The problem with getting something made just for you, is it often ends up being just for you.
Agreed. In my opinion, they nailed it with the 458. From there, they’ve been gradually overseasoning the sauce. This seems to be a common issue with all the supercar manufacturers though (or, really, most car manufacturers of late). For example, despite everyone here who seems to love the 720, I don’t think it can…
Yes, I understood that to be the point of the sentence that followed (“But the new 812 GTS sees a return to V12 convertibles that we haven’t seen in some years.”), but was confused by the broader point about front-engined V12s in Ferrari’s lineup in recent years.
To be clear, there have been front-engined V12 Ferraris a few times in recent years, like the 612 Scaglietti of the mid-2000s.
Didn’t know they were doing a joint vehicle with Ford too. Will the interior treatment trickle over to the Mustang as well?
On the bright side, at least it didn’t happen to a better looking car. You know, something like a Pontiac Aztek.
For a guy who can turn this into stand-up material, this episode will probably pay for itself many times over.