
I’ll concede that this would be better, but I still don’t like the colored portions that jut in from the sides — they remind me of the cheek guards on Spartan helmets. Nevertheless, the main dealbreaker for me is the lousy back seat. I can’t believe a car this large has so much less rear seat space than my e92 (which

I keep planning to do this as well. For now, as a cheap work around, I’m just letting the brake dust do it for me.

Oh — and to totally undercut the entire premise of my last statement — if someone hands me the keys to a 911 of any sort (even ones that are clearly too fast to drive around town), screw everything I just said, I’m taking it.

To be fair, there’s pretty much nothing that took place in the 80's that’s any more exciting than a Honda Accord.

I love that we got down to brass tacks on the Greyhound issue.

Agreed. My car’s in the 6 second range 0-60, but it’s got enough when wound up in the right gear to have some fun before the reality of being on a public road sets in. Not that I wouldn’t take a bit more power if someone threw it at me, but I’m not sure what I’d do to really enjoy a car that was so quick that

I can’t believe I remember this one, but here’s a (no doubt totally realistic) demonstration of an F-16 firing while on the ground (albeit rockets, not the cannon):

Just like that, two more F-35s sold.

Let me revise this one sentence for you.

It’s possible, maybe even likely, that this bill will go nowhere, though it’s impossible to predict anything these days.

This will be widely accepted.

Man, I thought I knew how much I hated the Veyron’s looks, but that was before I saw this extra hideous color scheme.

I bet the metal is fine, and that this was done to cover up a dying clearcoat. That said, who the hell wants a car covered in that shit? Not me. By making that modification, I’m afraid this guy just bought himself that car for life.

That’s my guess. The rear wheel we can see is off the ground (I assume, though I have no idea, that that is probably some result of them having to reduce the suspension travel to near zero to get it lowered that much). Thus, the car is resting on its two front wheels and the one rear wheel we can’t see. Since the rear

Where were these taken? And, what is the castle in the background in the top shot?

Wait, $20,000? I’m not sure to do, as the stock answer for all of these exercises on Jalopnik is always some kind of 911.  I feel kind of lost.

911 Turbo S. It has a back seat, and it’s also supposed to be quite good when the road gets twisty. Best thing, its sticker is actually a bit under your $200,000 budget. It’s odd nobody thought to offer this one.

Honestly, to me, that just looked like a couple of cars not designed for that kind of racing doing exactly what you’d expect them to do at the worst possible moment.  I mean, it’s more entertaining than watching them do what they were meant to do, but so is basically anything (other than, perhaps, golf).

It was the car equivalent of a digital watch. I think it’s less that and more the embodiment of the spirit of the country that perfected the digital watch: technology above all else in service of a single goal, which is going fast.

I wouldn’t pay that much for it new.