Jesus, that’s good.
Jesus, that’s good.
going away for a while to nurse your wounds, another Holy Week move
Hi so former mergers & acquisitions banker here (which makes me an atypical REI member and atypical liberal).
To your first sentence, Vista is being targetted in a boycott because , as stated in the article:
The giant fucking NRA logo - as divisive a symbol as we have in this country - is a pretty strong signal for who is in your “tent”.
Yeah man, lets just keep things the way they are. That seems tenable for roughly 20% of the population at the other 80%’s expense. Fucking gun nuts are seriously the most self centered fucks on the planet. Really.
Not replying specifically to you, but generally to everyone in the conversation: does this (hourly employees will suffer, parent company will thrive regardless) mean we should do nothing? That’s akin to the argument that criminals will get guns regardless, so we shouldn’t bother trying to control who gets what.
They lobbied for opening bears ears and grande Escalante to mining and drilling, fuck them.
Yeah, it’s a tough situation. I’m sympathetic to the employees of Vista’s holdings (and I own a few Giro helmets, some of their goggles, and a Camelbak myself) but maybe this will make brands think twice about who they partner with, which is a good thing.
He thing that I find fascinating is the sheer magnitude of identity politics evident in sporting goods retail - and it certainly influences how REI etc respond in these circumstances.
I’d rather have the flight delayed, and then canceled, and then the pilot quits, and then the airline goes out of business, and then the airport shuts down, and then all flights are grounded, and then humans lose the knowledge necessary for mechanical flight, than be on a barf plane.
/Takes huge bong rip
Never before have I been proud of someone who tucks in their t-shirts.
The rest of the world may look at our team of curlers and see what appears to be a group of small town credit union employees taking a group golf outing a bit too seriously, I see a group of champions who are about to bring grey chinos with a black belt back into style.
No, fuck that. Little truth time. I was savagely bullied from about 1st grade through Highschool. Small school, and it was one kid for 8 years that made every day of my life hell, but nothing ever happened to him because his daddy donated an entire fucking wing to the elementary school. I was undersized and had/have…
This guy is a living, breathing American tragedy and I just hope he finds peace in some form before he hurts himself or anyone else.
Breaking: US men’s curling beats Canada. Canada is officially in mourning.
Just because other rich assholes have been exploiting a flawed system doesn’t justify her behavior. As to why this blew up now, it’s because she’s an anachronism, someone who believes there’s merit to simply being an “Olympian” in 2018. This type of stunt may have worked back in the 30s (or even 80s), but now with…
It’s the equivalent of a bunch of rich kids buying their way into the NBA playoffs and playing the Golden State Warriors in the first round. Nobody died but who the fuck wants to watch that?