
Shit happens when you hang out with Nazis, Milo.

Here’s my biggest complain with the Fifty Shades film series:

Blowout holds up pretty damn well, I think.

This movie will make you nostalgic for... that one movie, that you saw once, and then forgot about.

I also feel like whenever the show goes to Robert and Sol, it’s rarely good. I like both characters and I like both actors, but the show, after season one, has no idea what the hell to do with them. The drama they’re involved in is always so fabricated... it never feels real, or even real within the reality of a

Season 3 and 4 are some of the best stuff television ever created.

It makes me so happy that this conversation is still going on.

Vice has a lot of great reporting, but Jesus fucking Christ with these guys—one of the co-founders is a neo-Nazi, they had Terry Richardson under their employ for years, they had that asshole who conspired with Milo Yiannpoolous to terrorize a woman. They’re fucked up.

I think he created a lovely show and that he’s also one of the series’ worst writers.

On the plus side, only one episode is written by Chris Carter!

My dad, regarding Justin Timberlake at the Oscars, “Why’s he always squinting these days like he’s tough?”

I finally saw it and I thought it was okay. It was fine. James Franco was great as Tommy, but I think someone else should have directed.

But do you like The Sopranos?!

He doesn’t believe in any goddamn thing except arguing. The other day he’s siding with Trump on saying his sexual assault confession wasn’t genuine because, hey man, you weren’t there!

“Way to go, Einstein,” you are slurring Einstein, and I guess Jewish people?

I feel like most scores these days are just completely forgettable, that’s not just exclusive to superhero pictures... for some reason filmmakers just don’t give a shit about memorable theme songs anymore.

To be clear, you’re not saying anything productive. The only thing you’re doing is telling someone that they’re a bad parent for telling their kids not to lie, cheat or steal.

After the plot point in Master of None where Aziz Ansari’s character drops a dear friend after allegations of sexual misconduct, and the show goes through great lengths to show this as the right move, it’s kinda fucked up that Aziz Ansari is still with the same manager who covered up a history of assault.

This acoustic version is significantly better than the version she did at some awards show years ago. That shit was dreadful. This version is quite good.

Oh, wow. This comments section is... something else.